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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Anoop Singh - Yarade Da Sanu Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Khalsa Meri Jaan Ki Jaan admin


This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 1

imqR ipAwry ƒ hwl murIdw dw kihxw ]
mithr piaarae noo(n) haal mureedhaa dhaa kehinaa ||
Please tell the dear friend - the Lord - the plight of his disciples.

quDu ibnu rogu rjweIAw dw EFx nwg invwsw dy hihxw ]
thudhh bin rog rajaaeeaa dhaa oudtan naag nivaasaa dhae hehinaa ||
Without you the use of rich blankets is like a disease for us and the comfort of the house is like living with snakes.

sUl surwhI KMjr ipAwlw ibMg ksweIAW dw sihxw ]
sool suraahee kha(n)jar piaalaa bi(n)g kasaaeeaaa(n) dhaa sehinaa ||
Our water pitchers are like stakes of torture and our cups have edges like daggers. Your neglect is like the suffering of animals at the hands of butchers.

XwrVy dw swƒ s~Qru cMgw BT KyiVAw dw rihxw ]
yaararrae dhaa saanoo(n) saathhar cha(n)gaa bhat(h) khaerriaa dhaa rehinaa ||
Our Beloved Lord's straw bed is more pleasing to us than living in costly furnace-like mansions.

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