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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Balbir Singh - Ab Main Apni Katha Bakhano Balbir Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Ab Main Apni Katha Bakhano Imneet


This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 1

Ab mY ApnI kQw bKwno ] qp swDq ijh ibiD muih Awno ]
ab mai apanee kathhaa bakhaano || thap saadhhath jih bidhh muhi aano ||
Now I relate my own story of how God sent me in the world while I was absorbed in meditation.

hym kuMt prbq hY jhW ] spq isRMg soiBq hY qhW ] 1 ]
haem ku(n)tt parabath hai jehaa(n) || sapath sri(n)g sobhith hai thehaa(n) || 1 ||
On the site of Hemkunt mountain, where the seven peaks shine in glory.

spq isRMg iqh nwmu khwvw ] pMf rwj jh jog kmwvw ]
sapath sri(n)g thih naam kehaavaa || pa(n)dd raaj jeh jog kamaavaa ||
That spot is known as Sapat Saring. It is where Pandav Kings practiced yoga.

qh hm AiDk qp~isAw swDI ] mhw kwl kwlkw ArwDI ] 2 ]
theh ham adhhik thapaasiaa saadhhee || mehaa kaal kaalakaa araadhhee || 2 ||
There with great spiritual effort, I prayed to God - the Lord of Death.

ieh ibiD krq qpisAw BXo ] dÍ rUp qy iek rUp hÍY gXo ]
eih bidhh karath thapasiaa bhayo || dhv roop thae eik roop hvai gayo ||
Thus I continued my meditations and merged with the Divine Being.

qwq mwq mur AlK ArwDw ] bhu ibiD jog swDnw swDw ] 3 ]
thaath maath mur alakh araadhhaa || bahu bidhh jog saadhhanaa saadhhaa || 3 ||
My father and mother also worshipped the Indescribable One. And carried out several spiritual practices.

iqn jo krI AlK kI syvw ] qw qy Bey pRsMin gurdyvw ]
thin jo karee alakh kee saevaa || thaa thae bheae prasa(n)n guradhaevaa ||
They served God with great devotion and the Supreme Guru was very pleased with them.

iqn pRB jb Awies muih dIXw ] qb hm jnm klU mih lIXw ] 4 ]
thin prabh jab aaeis muhi dheeyaa || thab ham janam kaloo mehi leeyaa || 4 ||
At the command of God, I was born into this dark age of Kalyug.

icq nw BXo hmro Awvn kh ] cuBI rhI sRuiq pRiB crnn mih ]
chith naa bhayo hamaro aavan keh || chubhee rehee sruth prabh charanan mehi ||
My mind was not happy in coming to this world because it was attached to the feet of the Lord.

ijau iqau pRB hm ko smJwXo ] iem kihkY ieh lok pTwXo ] 5 ]
jio thio prabh ham ko samajhaayo || eim kehikai eih lok pat(h)aayo || 5 ||
Somehow, God explained to me His purpose. And sent me to this world with His directive.

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