This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 303
pauVI ]
pourree ||
ijn hir ihrdY syivAw iqn hir Awip imlwey ]
jin har hiradhai saeviaa thin har aap milaaeae ||
One who serves the Lord with all his heart - the Lord Himself unites him with Himself.
gux kI swiJ iqn isau krI siB Avgx sbid jlwey ]
gun kee saajh thin sio karee sabh avagan sabadh jalaaeae ||
He enters into a partnership with virtue and merit, and burns off all his demerits with the fire of the Shabad.
Aaugx ivkix plrI ijsu dyih su scy pwey ]
aougan vikan palaree jis dhaehi s sachae paaeae ||
Demerits are purchased cheap, like straw; he alone gathers merit, who is so blessed by the True Lord.
bilhwrI gur Awpxy ijin Aaugx myit gux prgtIAwey ]
balihaaree gur aapanae jin aougan maett gun paragatteeaaeae ||
I am a sacrifice to my Guru, who has erased my demerits, and revealed my virtuous merits.
vfI vifAweI vfy kI gurmuiK Awlwey ]7]
vaddee vaddiaaee vaddae kee guramukh aalaaeae ||7||
The Gurmukh chants the glorious greatness of the great Lord God. ||7||