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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Surinder Singh Jodhpuri - Re Jan Man Madho Sio Laaiyei Surinder Singh Jodhpuri Bandana Har Bandana nihang


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 324

kbIr jI gauVI ]
kabeer jee gourree ||
Gauree, Kabeer Jee:

ikAw jpu ikAw qpu ikAw bRq pUjw ]
kiaa jap kiaa thap kiaa brath poojaa ||
What use is chanting, and what use is penance, fasting or devotional worship,

jw kY irdY Bwau hY dUjw ]1]
jaa kai ridhai bhaao hai dhoojaa ||1||
to one whose heart is filled with the love of duality? ||1||

ry jn mnu mwDau isau lweIAY ]
rae jan man maadhho sio laaeeai ||
O humble people, link your mind to the Lord.

cqurweI n cqurBuju pweIAY ] rhwau ]
chathuraaee n chathurabhuj paaeeai || rehaao ||
Through cleverness, the four-armed Lord is not obtained. ||Pause||

prhru loBu Aru lokwcwru ]
parehar lobh ar lokaachaar ||
Set aside your greed and worldly ways.

prhru kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ]2]
parehar kaam krodhh aha(n)kaar ||2||
Set aside sexual desire, anger and egotism. ||2||

krm krq bDy AhMmyv ]
karam karath badhhae aha(n)maev ||
Ritual practices bind people in egotism;

imil pwQr kI krhI syv ]3]
mil paathhar kee karehee saev ||3||
meeting together, they worship stones. ||3||

khu kbIr Bgiq kir pwieAw ]
kahu kabeer bhagath kar paaeiaa ||
Says Kabeer, He is obtained only by devotional worship.

Boly Bwie imly rGurwieAw ]4]6]
bholae bhaae milae raghuraaeiaa ||4||6||
Through innocent love, the Lord is met. ||4||6||

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