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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Harjinder Singh - Is Man Kou Koi Khojoh Bhai Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Man Gur Mil Kaaj Savaare HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 330

gauVI guAwryrI ky pdy pYqIs ]
gourree guaaraeree kae padhae paithees ||
Thirty-Five Steps Of Gauree Gwaarayree. ||

rwgu gauVI guAwryrI AstpdI kbIr jI kI
raag gourree guaaraeree asattapadhee kabeer jee kee
Raag Gauree Gwaarayree, Ashtpadeeaa Of Kabeer Jee:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

suKu mWgq duKu AwgY AwvY ]
sukh maa(n)gath dhukh aagai aavai ||
People beg for pleasure, but pain comes instead.

so suKu hmhu n mWigAw BwvY ]1]
so sukh hamahu n maa(n)giaa bhaavai ||1||
I would rather not beg for that pleasure. ||1||

ibiKAw Ajhu suriq suK Awsw ]
bikhiaa ajahu surath sukh aasaa ||
People are involved in corruption, but still, they hope for pleasure.

kYsy hoeI hY rwjw rwm invwsw ]1] rhwau ]
kaisae hoee hai raajaa raam nivaasaa ||1|| rehaao ||
How will they find their home in the Sovereign Lord King? ||1||Pause||

iesu suK qy isv bRhm frwnw ]
eis sukh thae siv breham ddaraanaa ||
Even Shiva and Brahma are afraid of this pleasure,

so suKu hmhu swcu kir jwnw ]2]
so sukh hamahu saach kar jaanaa ||2||
but I have judged that pleasure to be true. ||2||

snkwidk nwrd muin syKw ]
sanakaadhik naaradh mun saekhaa ||
Even sages like Sanak and Naarad, and the thousand-headed serpent,

iqn BI qn mih mnu nhI pyKw ]3]
thin bhee than mehi man nehee paekhaa ||3||
did not see the mind within the body. ||3||

iesu mn kau koeI Kojhu BweI ]
eis man ko koee khojahu bhaaee ||
Anyone can search for this mind, O Siblings of Destiny.

qn CUty mnu khw smweI ]4]
than shhoottae man kehaa samaaee ||4||
When it escapes from the body, where does the mind go? ||4||

gur prswdI jYdyau nwmW ]
gur parasaadhee jaidhaeo naamaa(n) ||
By Guru's Grace, Jai Dayv and Naam Dayv

Bgiq kY pRyim ien hI hY jwnW ]5]
bhagath kai praem ein hee hai jaanaa(n) ||5||
came to know this, through loving devotional worship of the Lord. ||5||

iesu mn kau nhI Awvn jwnw ]
eis man ko nehee aavan jaanaa ||
This mind does not come or go.

ijs kw Brmu gieAw iqin swcu pCwnw ]6]
jis kaa bharam gaeiaa thin saach pashhaanaa ||6||
One whose doubt is dispelled, knows the Truth. ||6||

iesu mn kau rUpu n ryiKAw kweI ]
eis man ko roop n raekhiaa kaaee ||
This mind has no form or outline.

hukmy hoieAw hukmu bUiJ smweI ]7]
hukamae hoeiaa hukam boojh samaaee ||7||
By God's Command it was created; understanding God's Command, it will be absorbed into Him again. ||7||

ies mn kw koeI jwnY Byau ]
eis man kaa koee jaanai bhaeo ||
Does anyone know the secret of this mind?

ieh min lIx Bey suKdyau ]8]
eih man leen bheae sukhadhaeo ||8||
This mind shall merge into the Lord, the Giver of peace and pleasure. ||8||

jIau eyku Aru sgl srIrw ]
jeeo eaek ar sagal sareeraa ||
There is One Soul, and it pervades all bodies.

iesu mn kau riv rhy kbIrw ]9]1]36]
eis man ko rav rehae kabeeraa ||9||1||36||
Kabeer dwells upon this Mind. ||9||1||36||

This translation is an updated version.

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