This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 50
isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ]
sireeraag mehalaa 5 ||
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehla:
iqcru vsih suhylVI ijcru swQI nwil ]
thichar vasehi suhaelarree jichar saathhee naal ||
As long as the soul-companion is with the body, it dwells in happiness.
jw swQI auTI cilAw qw Dn KwkU rwil ]1]
jaa saathhee out(h)ee chaliaa thaa dhhan khaakoo raal ||1||
But when the companion arises and departs, then the body-bride mingles with dust. ||1||
min bYrwgu BieAw drsnu dyKxY kw cwau ]
man bairaag bhaeiaa dharasan dhaekhanai kaa chaao ||
My mind has become detached from the world; it longs to see the Vision of God's Darshan.
DMnu su qyrw Qwnu ]1] rhwau ]
dhha(n)n s thaeraa thhaan ||1|| rehaao ||
Blessed is Your Place. ||1||Pause||
ijcru visAw kMqu Gir jIau jIau siB khwiq ]
jichar vasiaa ka(n)th ghar jeeo jeeo sabh kehaath ||
As long as the soul-husband dwells in the body-house, everyone greets you with respect.
jw auTI clsI kMqVw qw koie n puCY qyrI bwq ]2]
jaa out(h)ee chalasee ka(n)tharraa thaa koe n pushhai thaeree baath ||2||
But when the soul-husband arises and departs, then no one cares for you at all. ||2||
pyeIAVY shu syiv qUM swhurVY suiK vsu ]
paeeearrai sahu saev thoo(n) saahurarrai sukh vas ||
In this world of your parents' home, serve your Husband Lord; in the world beyond, in your in-laws' home, you shall dwell in peace.
gur imil cju Acwru isKu quDu kdy n lgY duKu ]3]
gur mil chaj achaar sikh thudhh kadhae n lagai dhukh ||3||
Meeting with the Guru, be a sincere student of proper conduct, and suffering shall never touch you. ||3||
sBnw swhurY vM\xw siB muklwvxhwr ]
sabhanaa saahurai va(n)n(j)anaa sabh mukalaavanehaar ||
Everyone shall go to their Husband Lord. Everyone shall be given their ceremonial send-off after their marriage.
nwnk DMnu sohwgxI ijn sh nwil ipAwru ]4]23]93]
naanak dhha(n)n sohaaganee jin seh naal piaar ||4||23||93||
O Nanak, blessed are the happy soul-brides, who are in love with their Husband Lord. ||4||23||93||
This translation is an updated version.