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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Amrik Singh Zakhmi - Gaiye Marag Chalat Hare Har Gaiye Amrik Singh Zakhmi Saajanra Mera Saajanra moneysingh


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 386

Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehla:

aUTq bYTq sovq iDAweIAY ]
oot(h)ath bait(h)ath sovath dhhiaaeeai ||
While standing up, and sitting down, and even while asleep, meditate on the Lord.

mwrig clq hry hir gweIAY ]1]
maarag chalath harae har gaaeeai ||1||
Walking on the Way, sing the Praises of the Lord. ||1||

sRvn sunIjY AMimRq kQw ]
sravan suneejai a(n)mrith kathhaa ||
With your ears, listen to the Ambrosial Sermon.

jwsu sunI min hoie Anµdw dUK rog mn sgly lQw ]1] rhwau ]
jaas sunee man hoe ana(n)dhaa dhookh rog man sagalae lathhaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Listening to it, your mind shall be filled with bliss, and the troubles and diseases of your mind shall all depart. ||1||Pause||

kwrij kwim bwt Gwt jpIjY ]
kaaraj kaam baatt ghaatt japeejai ||
While you work at your job, on the road and at the beach, meditate and chant.

gur pRswid hir AMimRqu pIjY ]2]
gur prasaadh har a(n)mrith peejai ||2||
By Guru's Grace, drink in the Ambrosial Essence of the Lord. ||2||

idnsu rYin hir kIrqnu gweIAY ]
dhinas rain har keerathan gaaeeai ||
The humble being who sings the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, day and night,

so jnu jm kI vwt n pweIAY ]3]
so jan jam kee vaatt n paaeeai ||3||
does not have to go with the Messenger of Death. ||3||

AwT phr ijsu ivsrih nwhI ]
aat(h) pehar jis visarehi naahee ||
One who does not forget the Lord, twenty-four hours a day, is emancipated;

giq hovY nwnk iqsu lig pweI ]4]10]61]
gath hovai naanak this lag paaee ||4||10||61||
O Nanak, I fall at his feet. ||4||10||61||

This translation is an updated version.

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