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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Harjinder Singh - Gur Saagro Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Toon Mero Pyaro HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 436

Awsw mhlw 1 ]
aasaa mehalaa 1 ||
Aasaa, First Mehla:

Anhdo Anhdu vwjY rux Juxkwry rwm ]
anehadho anehadh vaajai run jhunakaarae raam ||
The unstruck melody of the sound current resounds with the vibrations of the celestial instruments.

myrw mno myrw mnu rwqw lwl ipAwry rwm ]
maeraa mano maeraa man raathaa laal piaarae raam ||
My mind, my mind is imbued with the Love of my Darling Beloved.

Anidnu rwqw mnu bYrwgI suMn mMfil Gru pwieAw ]
anadhin raathaa man bairaagee su(n)n ma(n)ddal ghar paaeiaa ||
Night and day, my detached mind remains absorbed in the Lord, and I obtain my home in the profound trance of the celestial void.

Awid purKu AprMpru ipAwrw siqguir AlKu lKwieAw ]
aadh purakh apara(n)par piaaraa sathigur alakh lakhaaeiaa ||
The True Guru has revealed to me the Primal Lord, the Infinite, my Beloved, the Unseen.

Awsix bYsix iQru nwrwiexu iqqu mnu rwqw vIcwry ]
aasan baisan thhir naaraaein thith man raathaa veechaarae ||
The Lord's posture and His seat are permanent; my mind is absorbed in reflective contemplation upon Him.

nwnk nwim rqy bYrwgI Anhd rux Juxkwry ]1]
naanak naam rathae bairaagee anehadh run jhunakaarae ||1||
O Nanak, the detached ones are imbued with His Name, the unstruck melody, and the celestial vibrations. ||1||

iqqu Agm iqqu Agm pury khu ikqu ibiD jweIAY rwm ]
thith agam thith agam purae kahu kith bidhh jaaeeai raam ||
Tell me, how can I reach that unreachable, that unreachable city?

scu sMjmo swir guxw gur sbdu kmweIAY rwm ]
sach sa(n)jamo saar gunaa gur sabadh kamaaeeai raam ||
By practicing truthfulness and self-restraint, by contemplating His Glorious Virtues, and living the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

scu sbdu kmweIAY inj Gir jweIAY pweIAY guxI inDwnw ]
sach sabadh kamaaeeai nij ghar jaaeeai paaeeai gunee nidhhaanaa ||
Practicing the True Word of the Shabad, one comes to the home of his own inner being, and obtains the treasure of virtue.

iqqu swKw mUlu pqu nhI fwlI isir sBnw prDwnw ]
thith saakhaa mool path nehee ddaalee sir sabhanaa paradhhaanaa ||
He has no stems, roots, leaves or branches, but He is the Supreme Lord over the heads of all.

jpu qpu kir kir sMjm QwkI hiT ingRih nhI pweIAY ]
jap thap kar kar sa(n)jam thhaakee hat(h) nigrehi nehee paaeeai ||
Practicing intensive meditation, chanting and self-discipline, people have grown weary; stubbornly practicing these rituals, they still have not found Him.

nwnk shij imly jgjIvn siqgur bUJ buJweIAY ]2]
naanak sehaj milae jagajeevan sathigur boojh bujhaaeeai ||2||
O Nanak, through spiritual wisdom, the Lord, the Life of the world, is met; the True Guru imparts this understanding. ||2||

guru swgro rqnwgru iqqu rqn Gxyry rwm ]
gur saagaro rathanaagar thith rathan ghanaerae raam ||
The Guru is the ocean, the mountain of jewels, overflowing with jewels.

kir mjno spq sry mn inrml myry rwm ]
kar majano sapath sarae man niramal maerae raam ||
Take your bath in the seven seas, O my mind, and become pure.

inrml jil n@wey jw pRB Bwey pMc imly vIcwry ]
niramal jal nhaaeae jaa prabh bhaaeae pa(n)ch milae veechaarae ||
One bathes in the water of purity when it is pleasing to God, and obtains the five virtues by reflective meditation.

kwmu kroDu kptu ibiKAw qij scu nwmu auir Dwry ]
kaam karodhh kapatt bikhiaa thaj sach naam our dhhaarae ||
Renouncing sexual desire, anger, deceit and corruption, he enshrines the True Name in his heart.

haumY loB lhir lb Qwky pwey dIn dieAwlw ]
houmai lobh lehar lab thhaakae paaeae dheen dhaeiaalaa ||
When the waves of ego, greed and avarice subside, he finds the Lord Master, Merciful to the meek.

nwnk gur smwin qIrQu nhI koeI swcy gur gopwlw ]3]
naanak gur samaan theerathh nehee koee saachae gur gopaalaa ||3||
O Nanak, there is no place of pilgrimage comparable to the Guru; the True Guru is the Lord of the world. ||3||

hau bnu bno dyiK rhI iqRxu dyiK sbwieAw rwm ]
ho ban bano dhaekh rehee thrin dhaekh sabaaeiaa raam ||
I have searched the jungles and forests, and looked upon all the fields.

iqRBvxo quJih kIAw sBu jgqu sbwieAw rwm ]
thribhavano thujhehi keeaa sabh jagath sabaaeiaa raam ||
You created the three worlds, the entire universe, everything.

qyrw sBu kIAw qUM iQru QIAw quDu smwin ko nwhI ]
thaeraa sabh keeaa thoo(n) thhir thheeaa thudhh samaan ko naahee ||
You created everything; You alone are permanent. Nothing is equal to You.

qUM dwqw sB jwick qyry quDu ibnu iksu swlwhI ]
thoo(n) dhaathaa sabh jaachik thaerae thudhh bin kis saalaahee ||
You are the Giver - all are Your beggars; without You, who should we praise?

AxmMigAw dwnu dIjY dwqy qyrI Bgiq Bry BMfwrw ]
anama(n)giaa dhaan dheejai dhaathae thaeree bhagath bharae bha(n)ddaaraa ||
You bestow Your gifts, even when we do not ask for them, O Great Giver; devotion to You is a treasure over-flowing.

rwm nwm ibnu mukiq n hoeI nwnku khY vIcwrw ]4]2]
raam naam bin mukath n hoee naanak kehai veechaaraa ||4||2||
Without the Lord's Name, there is no liberation; so says Nanak, the meek. ||4||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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