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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Davinder Singh Sodhi - Gursikhan Man Wadhaian Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale) Wadhaian admin
01 - Joginder Singh Riar - Jithe Jae Bahe Mera Satguru Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Ghar Sukh Vaseya Bahar Sukh Paeya HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 450

Awsw mhlw 4 ]
aasaa mehalaa 4 ||
Aasaa, Fourth Mehla:

ijn AMqir hir hir pRIiq hY qy jn suGV isAwxy rwm rwjy ]
jin a(n)thar har har preeth hai thae jan sugharr siaanae raam raajae ||
Those whose hearts are filled with the love of the Lord, Har, Har, are the wisest and most clever people, O Lord King.

jy bwhrhu Buil cuik boldy BI Kry hir Bwxy ]
jae baaharahu bhul chuk boladhae bhee kharae har bhaanae ||
Even if they misspeak outwardly, they are still very pleasing to the Lord.

hir sMqw no horu Qwau nwhI hir mwxu inmwxy ]
har sa(n)thaa no hor thhaao naahee har maan nimaanae ||
The Lord's Saints have no other place. The Lord is the honor of the dishonored.

jn nwnk nwmu dIbwxu hY hir qwxu sqwxy ]1]
jan naanak naam dheebaan hai har thaan sathaanae ||1||
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the Royal Court for servant Nanak; the Lord's power is his only power. ||1||

ijQY jwie bhY myrw siqgurU so Qwnu suhwvw rwm rwjy ]
jithhai jaae behai maeraa sathiguroo so thhaan suhaavaa raam raajae ||
Wherever my True Guru goes and sits, that place is beautiful, O Lord King.

gurisKNĜI so Qwnu BwilAw lY Duir muiK lwvw ]
gurasikha(n)aee so thhaan bhaaliaa lai dhhur mukh laavaa ||
The Guru's Sikhs seek out that place; they take the dust and apply it to their faces.

gurisKw kI Gwl Qwie peI ijn hir nwmu iDAwvw ]
gurasikhaa kee ghaal thhaae pee jin har naam dhhiaavaa ||
The works of the Guru's Sikhs, who meditate on the Lord's Name, are approved.

ijn@ nwnku siqguru pUijAw iqn hir pUj krwvw ]2]
jinh naanak sathigur poojiaa thin har pooj karaavaa ||2||
Those who worship the True Guru, O Nanak - the Lord causes them to be worshipped in turn. ||2||

gurisKw min hir pRIiq hY hir nwm hir qyrI rwm rwjy ]
gurasikhaa man har preeth hai har naam har thaeree raam raajae ||
The Guru's Sikh keeps the Love of the Lord, and the Name of the Lord, in his mind. He loves You, O Lord, O Lord King.

kir syvih pUrw siqgurU BuK jwie lih myrI ]
kar saevehi pooraa sathiguroo bhukh jaae lehi maeree ||
He serves the Perfect True Guru, and his hunger and self-conceit are eliminated.

gurisKw kI BuK sB geI iqn ipCY hor Kwie GnyrI ]
gurasikhaa kee bhukh sabh gee thin pishhai hor khaae ghanaeree ||
The hunger of the Gursikh is totally eliminated; indeed, many others are satisfied through them.

jn nwnk hir puMnu bIijAw iPir qoit n AwvY hir puMn kyrI ]3]
jan naanak har pu(n)n beejiaa fir thott n aavai har pu(n)n kaeree ||3||
Servant Nanak has planted the Seed of the Lord's Goodness; this Goodness of the Lord shall never be exhausted. ||3||

gurisKw min vwDweIAw ijn myrw siqgurU ifTw rwm rwjy ]
gurasikhaa man vaadhhaaeeaa jin maeraa sathiguroo ddit(h)aa raam raajae ||
The minds of the Gursikhs rejoice, because they have seen my True Guru, O Lord King.

koeI kir gl suxwvY hir nwm kI so lgY gurisKw min imTw ]
koee kar gal sunaavai har naam kee so lagai gurasikhaa man mit(h)aa ||
If someone recites to them the story of the Lord's Name, it seems so sweet to the mind of those Gursikhs.

hir drgh gurisK pYnweIAih ijn@w myrw siqguru quTw ]
har dharageh gurasikh painaaeeahi jinhaa maeraa sathigur thut(h)aa ||
The Gursikhs are robed in honor in the Court of the Lord; my True Guru is very pleased with them.

jn nwnku hir hir hoieAw hir hir min vuTw ]4]12]19]
jan naanak har har hoeiaa har har man vut(h)aa ||4||12||19||
Servant Nanak has become the Lord, Har, Har; the Lord, Har, Har, abides within his mind. ||4||12||19||

This translation is an updated version.

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