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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Anoop Singh - Beanta Beant Gun Tere Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Beant Gun Tere moneysingh


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 453

Awsw mhlw 5 ]
aasaa mehalaa 5 ||
Aasaa, Fifth Mehla:

AkQw hir AkQ kQw ikCu jwie n jwxI rwm ]
akathhaa har akathh kathhaa kishh jaae n jaanee raam ||
Inexpressible is the sermon of the inexpressible Lord; it cannot be known at all.

suir nr suir nr muin jn shij vKwxI rwm ]
sur nar sur nar mun jan sehaj vakhaanee raam ||
The demi-gods, mortal beings, angels and silent sages express it in their peaceful poise.

shjy vKwxI Aimau bwxI crx kml rMgu lwieAw ]
sehajae vakhaanee amio baanee charan kamal ra(n)g laaeiaa ||
In their poise, they recite the Ambrosial Bani of the Lord's Word; they embrace love for the Lord's Lotus Feet.

jip eyku AlKu pRBu inrMjnu mn icMidAw Plu pwieAw ]
jap eaek alakh prabh nira(n)jan man chi(n)dhiaa fal paaeiaa ||
Meditating on the One incomprehensible and immaculate Lord, they obtain the fruits of their heart's desires.

qij mwnu mohu ivkwru dUjw joqI joiq smwxI ]
thaj maan mohu vikaar dhoojaa jothee joth samaanee ||
Renouncing self-conceit, emotional attachment, corruption and duality, their light merges into the Light.

ibnvMiq nwnk gur pRswdI sdw hir rMgu mwxI ]1]
binava(n)th naanak gur prasaadhee sadhaa har ra(n)g maanee ||1||
Prays Nanak, by Guru's Grace, one enjoys the Lord's Love forever. ||1||

hir sMqw hir sMq sjn myry mIq shweI rwm ]
har sa(n)thaa har sa(n)th sajan maerae meeth sehaaee raam ||
The Lord's Saints - the Lord's Saints are my friends, my best friends and helpers.

vfBwgI vfBwgI sqsMgiq pweI rwm ]
vaddabhaagee vaddabhaagee sathasa(n)gath paaee raam ||
By great good fortune, by great good fortune, I have obtained the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation.

vfBwgI pwey nwmu iDAwey lwQy dUK sMqwpY ]
vaddabhaagee paaeae naam dhhiaaeae laathhae dhookh sa(n)thaapai ||
By great good fortune, I obtained it, and I meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord; my pains and sufferings have been taken away.

gur crxI lwgy BRm Bau Bwgy Awpu imtwieAw AwpY ]
gur charanee laagae bhram bho bhaagae aap mittaaeiaa aapai ||
I have grasped the Guru's Feet, and my doubts and fears are gone. He Himself has erased my self-conceit.

kir ikrpw myly pRiB ApunY ivCuiV kqih n jweI ]
kar kirapaa maelae prabh apunai vishhurr kathehi n jaaee ||
Granting His Grace, God has united me with Himself; no longer do I suffer the pains of separation, and I shall not have to go anywhere.

ibnvMiq nwnk dwsu qyrw sdw hir srxweI ]2]
binava(n)th naanak dhaas thaeraa sadhaa har saranaaee ||2||
Prays Nanak, I am forever Your slave, Lord; I seek Your Sanctuary. ||2||

hir dry hir dir sohin qyry Bgq ipAwry rwm ]
har dharae har dhar sohan thaerae bhagath piaarae raam ||
The Lord's Gate - at the Lord's Gate, Your beloved devotees look beautiful.

vwrI iqn vwrI jwvw sd bilhwry rwm ]
vaaree thin vaaree jaavaa sadh balihaarae raam ||
I am a sacrifice, a sacrifice, again and again a sacrifice to them.

sd bilhwry kir nmskwry ijn Bytq pRBu jwqw ]
sadh balihaarae kar namasakaarae jin bhaettath prabh jaathaa ||
I am forever a sacrifice, and I humbly bow to them; meeting them, I know God.

Git Git riv rihAw sB QweI pUrn purKu ibDwqw ]
ghatt ghatt rav rehiaa sabh thhaaee pooran purakh bidhhaathaa ||
The Perfect and All-powerful Lord, the Architect of Destiny, is contained in each and every heart, everywhere.

guru pUrw pwieAw nwmu iDAwieAw jUAY jnmu n hwry ]
gur pooraa paaeiaa naam dhhiaaeiaa jooai janam n haarae ||
Meeting the Perfect Guru, we meditate on the Naam, and do not lose this life in the gamble.

ibnvMiq nwnk srix qyrI rwKu ikrpw Dwry ]3]
binava(n)th naanak saran thaeree raakh kirapaa dhhaarae ||3||
Prays Nanak, I seek Your Sanctuary; please, shower Your Mercy upon me, and protect me. ||3||

byAMqw byAMq gux qyry kyqk gwvw rwm ]
baea(n)thaa baea(n)th gun thaerae kaethak gaavaa raam ||
Innumerable - innumerable are Your Glorious Virtues; how many of them can I sing?

qyry crxw qyry crx DUiV vfBwgI pwvw rwm ]
thaerae charanaa thaerae charan dhhoorr vaddabhaagee paavaa raam ||
The dust of Your feet, of Your feet, I have obtained, by great good fortune.

hir DUVI n@weIAY mYlu gvweIAY jnm mrx duK lwQy ]
har dhhoorree nhaaeeai mail gavaaeeai janam maran dhukh laathhae ||
Bathing in the Lord's dust, my filth has been washed away, and the pains of birth and death have departed.

AMqir bwhir sdw hdUry prmysru pRBu swQy ]
a(n)thar baahar sadhaa hadhoorae paramaesar prabh saathhae ||
Inwardly and outwardly, the Transcendent Lord God is ever-present, always with us.

imty dUK kilAwx kIrqn bhuiV join n pwvw ]
mittae dhookh kaliaan keerathan bahurr jon n paavaa ||
Suffering departs, and there is peace; singing the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises, one is not consigned to reincarnation again.

ibnvMiq nwnk gur srix qrIAY Awpxy pRB Bwvw ]4]2]
binava(n)th naanak gur saran thareeai aapanae prabh bhaavaa ||4||2||
Prays Nanak, in the Guru's Sanctuary, one swims across, and is pleasing to God. ||4||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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