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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Harjinder Singh - Bhinni Rainriye Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Amrit Naam Parmesar Tera makkarjs
02 - Harjinder Singh - Babiha Prio Prio Kare Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Amrit Naam Parmesar Tera makkarjs
03 - Anoop Singh & Anuradha Paudwal - Bhinni Reinadhiye Chamkan Taare Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) & Anuradha Paudwal Jo Kichh Hai So Tera HSinghDCWale
01 - Anoop Singh - Bhini Rainrhiye Chamkan Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Diwali Di Raat moneysingh
06 - Dya Singh - Bhinni Rainediye Dya Singh (Australia) Australian Sikh Rhythm & Soul admin
01 - Harjinder Singh - Meri Sajarhiye Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Dekha Darshan Tera Ram HSinghDCWale
05 - Anoop Singh - Meri Sejarhiye Aadhambar Baneya Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Haun Dekha Darsan Tera Ram admin
07 - Ghulam Mohammed Chand Rababi - Bhinni Rennerdhiye Chamkan Tare Ghulam Mohammed Chand Rababi Satgur Nanak Pargatiaa Miti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoaa admin
01 - Sarabjit Singh - Meri Sejarhiye Sarabjit Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Meri Sejarhiye HSinghDCWale
05 - Onkar Singh - Jaage Sant Jana Mere Ram Pyare Onkar Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Ik Til Prabhu Na Visrei HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 459

CMq ]
shha(n)th ||

iBMnI rYnVIAY cwmkin qwry ]
bhi(n)nee rainarreeai chaamakan thaarae ||
The night is wet with dew, and the stars twinkle in the heavens.

jwgih sMq jnw myry rwm ipAwry ]
jaagehi sa(n)th janaa maerae raam piaarae ||
The Saints remain wakeful; they are the Beloveds of my Lord.

rwm ipAwry sdw jwgih nwmu ismrih Anidno ]
raam piaarae sadhaa jaagehi naam simarehi anadhino ||
The Beloveds of the Lord remain ever wakeful, remembering the Naam, the Name of the Lord, day and night.

crx kml iDAwnu ihrdY pRB ibsru nwhI ieku iKno ]
charan kamal dhhiaan hiradhai prabh bisar naahee eik khino ||
In their hearts, they meditate on the lotus feet of God; they do not forget Him, even for an instant.

qij mwnu mohu ibkwru mn kw klmlw duK jwry ]
thaj maan mohu bikaar man kaa kalamalaa dhukh jaarae ||
They renounce their pride, emotional attachment and mental corruption, and burn away the pain of wickedness.

ibnvMiq nwnk sdw jwgih hir dws sMq ipAwry ]1]
binava(n)th naanak sadhaa jaagehi har dhaas sa(n)th piaarae ||1||
Prays Nanak, the Saints, the beloved servants of the Lord, remain ever wakeful. ||1||

myrI syjVIAY AwfMbru bixAw ]
maeree saejarreeai aadda(n)bar baniaa ||
My bed is adorned in splendor.

min Andu BieAw pRBu Awvq suixAw ]
man anadh bhaeiaa prabh aavath suniaa ||
My mind is filled with bliss, since I heard that God is coming.

pRB imly suAwmI suKh gwmI cwv mMgl rs Bry ]
prabh milae suaamee sukheh gaamee chaav ma(n)gal ras bharae ||
Meeting God, the Lord and Master, I have entered the realm of peace; I am filled with joy and delight.

AMg sMig lwgy dUK Bwgy pRwx mn qn siB hry ]
a(n)g sa(n)g laagae dhookh bhaagae praan man than sabh harae ||
He is joined to me, in my very fiber; my sorrows have departed, and my body, mind and soul are all rejuvenated.

mn ieC pweI pRB iDAweI sMjogu swhw suB gixAw ]
man eishh paaee prabh dhhiaaee sa(n)jog saahaa subh ganiaa ||
I have obtained the fruits of my mind's desires, meditating on God; the day of my wedding is auspicious.

ibnvMiq nwnk imly sRIDr sgl Awnµd rsu bixAw ]2]
binava(n)th naanak milae sreedhhar sagal aana(n)dh ras baniaa ||2||
Prays Nanak, when I meet the Lord of excellence, I came to experience all pleasure and bliss. ||2||

imil sKIAw puCih khu kMq nIswxI ]
mil sakheeaa pushhehi kahu ka(n)th neesaanee ||
I meet with my companions and say, ""Show me the insignia of my Husband Lord.""

ris pRym BrI kCu boil n jwxI ]
ras praem bharee kashh bol n jaanee ||
I am filled with the sublime essence of His Love, and I do not know how to say anything.

gux gUV gupq Apwr krqy ingm AMqu n pwvhy ]
gun goorr gupath apaar karathae nigam a(n)th n paavehae ||
The Glorious Virtues of the Creator are profound, mysterious and infinite; even the Vedas cannot find His limits.

Bgiq Bwie iDAwie suAwmI sdw hir gux gwvhy ]
bhagath bhaae dhhiaae suaamee sadhaa har gun gaavehae ||
With loving devotion, I meditate on the Lord Master, and sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord forever.

sgl gux suigAwn pUrn Awpxy pRB BwxI ]
sagal gun sugiaan pooran aapanae prabh bhaanee ||
Filled with all virtues and spiritual wisdom, I have become pleasing to my God.

ibnvMiq nwnk rMig rwqI pRym shij smwxI ]3]
binava(n)th naanak ra(n)g raathee praem sehaj samaanee ||3||
Prays Nanak, imbued with the color of the Lord's Love, I am imperceptibly absorbed into Him. ||3||

suK soihlVy hir gwvx lwgy ] swjn srisAVy duK dusmn Bwgy ]
sukh sohilarrae har gaavan laagae || saajan sarasiarrae dhukh dhusaman bhaagae ||
When I began to sing the songs of rejoicing to the Lord, my friends became glad, and my troubles and enemies departed.

suK shj srsy hir nwim rhsy pRiB Awip ikrpw DwrIAw ]
sukh sehaj sarasae har naam rehasae prabh aap kirapaa dhhaareeaa ||
My peace and happiness increased; I rejoiced in the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and God Himself blessed me with His mercy.

hir crx lwgy sdw jwgy imly pRB bnvwrIAw ]
har charan laagae sadhaa jaagae milae prabh banavaareeaa ||
I have grasped the Lord's feet, and remaining ever wakeful, I have met the Lord, the Creator.

suB idvs Awey shij pwey sgl iniD pRB pwgy ]
subh dhivas aaeae sehaj paaeae sagal nidhh prabh paagae ||
The appointed day came, and I attained peace and poise; all treasures are in the feet of God.

ibnvMiq nwnk srix suAwmI sdw hir jn qwgy ]4]1]10]
binava(n)th naanak saran suaamee sadhaa har jan thaagae ||4||1||10||
Prays Nanak, the Lord's humble servants always seek the Sanctuary of the Lord and Master. ||4||1||10||

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