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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Sarabjit Singh - Galleen Jinha Jap Maaliya Sarabjit Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Kanthe Mala Jihva Ram HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 476

Awsw ]
aasaa ||

gj swFy qY qY DoqIAw iqhry pwiein qg ]
gaj saadtae thai thai dhhotheeaa thiharae paaein thag ||
They wear loin cloths, three and a half yards long, and triple-wound sacred threads.

glI ijn@w jpmwlIAw loty hiQ inbg ]
galee jinhaa japamaaleeaa lottae hathh nibag ||
They have rosaries around their necks, and they carry glittering jugs in their hands.

Eie hir ky sMq n AwKIAih bwnwris ky Tg ]1]
oue har kae sa(n)th n aakheeahi baanaaras kae t(h)ag ||1||
They are not called Saints of the Lord - they are thugs of Benares. ||1||

AYsy sMq n mo kau Bwvih ]
aisae sa(n)th n mo ko bhaavehi ||
Such 'saints' are not pleasing to me;

fwlw isau pyfw gtkwvih ]1] rhwau ]
ddaalaa sio paeddaa gattakaavehi ||1|| rehaao ||
they eat the trees along with the branches. ||1||Pause||

bwsn mWij crwvih aUpir kwTI Doie jlwvih ]
baasan maa(n)j charaavehi oopar kaat(h)ee dhhoe jalaavehi ||
They wash their pots and pans before putting them on the stove, and they wash the wood before lighting it.

bsuDw Koid krih duie cUly@ swry mwxs Kwvih ]2]
basudhhaa khodh karehi dhue choolaeh saarae maanas khaavehi ||2||
They dig up the earth and make two fireplaces, but they eat the whole person! ||2||

Eie pwpI sdw iPrih AprwDI muKhu Aprs khwvih ]
oue paapee sadhaa firehi aparaadhhee mukhahu aparas kehaavehi ||
Those sinners continually wander in evil deeds, while they call themselves touch-nothing saints.

sdw sdw iPrih AiBmwnI sgl kutMb fubwvih ]3]
sadhaa sadhaa firehi abhimaanee sagal kutta(n)b ddubaavehi ||3||
They wander around forever and ever in their self-conceit, and all their families are drowned. ||3||

ijqu ko lwieAw iqq hI lwgw qYsy krm kmwvY ]
jith ko laaeiaa thith hee laagaa thaisae karam kamaavai ||
He is attached to that, to which the Lord has attached him, and he acts accordingly.

khu kbIr ijsu siqguru BytY punrip jnim n AwvY ]4]2]
kahu kabeer jis sathigur bhaettai punarap janam n aavai ||4||2||
Says Kabeer, one who meets the True Guru, is not reincarnated again. ||4||2||

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