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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Davinder Singh Sodhi - Sukrit Kar Kar Leejey Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale) Sabar Santokh admin


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 479

Awsw ]
aasaa ||

kwhU dIn@y pwt ptMbr kwhU plG invwrw ]
kaahoo dheenhae paatt patta(n)bar kaahoo palagh nivaaraa ||
To some, the Lord has given silks and satins, and to some, beds decorated with cotton ribbons.

kwhU grI godrI nwhI kwhU Kwn prwrw ]1]
kaahoo garee godharee naahee kaahoo khaan paraaraa ||1||
Some do not even have a poor patched coat, and some live in thatched huts. ||1||

AihrK vwdu n kIjY ry mn ]
ahirakh vaadh n keejai rae man ||
Do not indulge in envy and bickering, O my mind.

suik®qu kir kir lIjY ry mn ]1] rhwau ]
sukirath kar kar leejai rae man ||1|| rehaao ||
By continually doing good deeds, these are obtained, O my mind. ||1||Pause||

kum@wrY eyk ju mwtI gUMDI bhu ibiD bwnI lweI ]
kumhaarai eaek j maattee goo(n)dhhee bahu bidhh baanee laaee ||
The potter works the same clay, and colors the pots in different ways.

kwhU mih moqI mukqwhl kwhU ibAwiD lgweI ]2]
kaahoo mehi mothee mukathaahal kaahoo biaadhh lagaaee ||2||
Into some, he sets pearls, while to others, he attaches filth. ||2||

sUmih Dnu rwKn kau dIAw mugDu khY Dnu myrw ]
soomehi dhhan raakhan ko dheeaa mugadhh kehai dhhan maeraa ||
God gave wealth to the miser for him to preserve, but the fool calls it his own.

jm kw fMfu mUMf mih lwgY iKn mih krY inbyrw ]3]
jam kaa dda(n)dd moo(n)dd mehi laagai khin mehi karai nibaeraa ||3||
When the Messenger of Death strikes him with his club, in an instant, everything is settled. ||3||

hir jnu aUqmu Bgqu sdwvY AwigAw min suKu pweI ]
har jan ootham bhagath sadhaavai aagiaa man sukh paaee ||
The Lord's humble servant is called the most exalted Saint; he obeys the Command of the Lord's Order, and obtains peace.

jo iqsu BwvY siq kir mwnY Bwxw mMin vsweI ]4]
jo this bhaavai sath kar maanai bhaanaa ma(n)n vasaaee ||4||
Whatever is pleasing to the Lord, he accepts as True; he enshrines the Lord's Will within his mind. ||4||

khY kbIru sunhu ry sMqhu myrI myrI JUTI ]
kehai kabeer sunahu rae sa(n)thahu maeree maeree jhoot(h)ee ||
Says Kabeer, listen, O Saints - it is false to call out, ""Mine, mine.""

icrgt Pwir ctwrw lY gieE qrI qwgrI CUtI ]5]3]16]
chiragatt faar chattaaraa lai gaeiou tharee thaagaree shhoottee ||5||3||16||
Breaking the bird cage, death takes the bird away, and only the torn threads remain. ||5||3||16||

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