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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Harjinder Singh - Sant Chi Sangat Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Kahey Ravidas Part 1 HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Ravi Daas Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 486

Awsw ]
aasaa ||

sMq quJI qnu sMgiq pRwn ]
sa(n)th thujhee than sa(n)gath praan ||
Your Saints are Your body, and their company is Your breath of life.

siqgur igAwn jwnY sMq dyvw dyv ]1]
sathigur giaan jaanai sa(n)th dhaevaa dhaev ||1||
By the True Guru-given spiritual wisdom, I know the Saints as the gods of gods. ||1||

sMq cI sMgiq sMq kQw rsu ] sMq pRym mwJY dIjY dyvw dyv ]1] rhwau ]
sa(n)th chee sa(n)gath sa(n)th kathhaa ras || sa(n)th praem maajhai dheejai dhaevaa dhaev ||1|| rehaao ||
O Lord, God of gods, grant me the Society of the Saints, the sublime essence of the Saints' conversation, and the Love of the Saints. ||1||Pause||

sMq Awcrx sMq co mwrgu sMq c ElHg ElHgxI ]2]
sa(n)th aacharan sa(n)th cho maarag sa(n)th ch oulhag oulhaganee ||2||
The Character of the Saints, the lifestyle of the Saints, and the service of the servant of the Saints. ||2||

Aaur iek mwgau Bgiq icMqwmix ]
aour eik maago bhagath chi(n)thaaman ||
I ask for these, and for one thing more - devotional worship, which shall fulfill my desires.

jxI lKwvhu AsMq pwpI six ]3]
janee lakhaavahu asa(n)th paapee san ||3||
Do not show me the wicked sinners. ||3||

rivdwsu BxY jo jwxY so jwxu ]
ravidhaas bhanai jo jaanai so jaan ||
Says Ravi Daas, he alone is wise, who knows this:

sMq Anµqih AMqru nwhI ]4]2]
sa(n)th ana(n)thehi a(n)thar naahee ||4||2||
there is no difference between the Saints and the Infinite Lord. ||4||2||

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