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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
06 - Niranjan Singh - Jis Maanukh Peh Karau Benti Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Hriday Naam Vasayoh HSinghDCWale
02 - Harjinder Singh - Jis Manukh Peh Karoh Benti Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Nanak Dukhia Sabh Sansar HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gujri on Pannaa 497

gUjrI mhlw 5 ]
goojaree mehalaa 5 ||
Goojaree, Fifth Mehla:

ijsu mwnuK pih krau bynqI so ApnY duiK BirAw ]
jis maanukh pehi karo baenathee so apanai dhukh bhariaa ||
Whoever I approach to ask for help, I find him full of his own troubles.

pwrbRhmu ijin irdY ArwiDAw iqin Bau swgru qirAw ]1]
paarabreham jin ridhai araadhhiaa thin bho saagar thariaa ||1||
One who worships in his heart the Supreme Lord God, crosses over the terrifying world-ocean. ||1||

gur hir ibnu ko n ibRQw duKu kwtY ]
gur har bin ko n brithhaa dhukh kaattai ||
No one, except the Guru-Lord, can dispel our pain and sorrow.

pRBu qij Avr syvku jy hoeI hY iqqu mwnu mhqu jsu GwtY ]1] rhwau ]
prabh thaj avar saevak jae hoee hai thith maan mehath jas ghaattai ||1|| rehaao ||
Forsaking God, and serving another, one's honor, dignity and reputation are decreased. ||1||Pause||

mwieAw ky snbMD sYn swk ikq hI kwim n AwieAw ]
maaeiaa kae sanaba(n)dhh sain saak kith hee kaam n aaeiaa ||
Relatives, relations and family bound through Maya are of no avail.

hir kw dwsu nIc kulu aUcw iqsu sMig mn bWCq Pl pwieAw ]2]
har kaa dhaas neech kul oochaa this sa(n)g man baa(n)shhath fal paaeiaa ||2||
The Lord's servant, although of lowly birth, is exalted. Associating with him, one obtains the fruits of his mind's desires. ||2||

lwK koit ibiKAw ky ibMjn qw mih iqRsn n bUJI ]
laakh kott bikhiaa kae bi(n)jan thaa mehi thrisan n boojhee ||
Through corruption, one may obtain thousands and millions of enjoyments, but even so, his desires are not satisfied through them.

ismrq nwmu koit aujIAwrw bsqu Agocr sUJI ]3]
simarath naam kott oujeeaaraa basath agochar soojhee ||3||
Remembering the Naam, the Name of the Lord, millions of lights appear, and the incomprehensible is understood. ||3||

iPrq iPrq qum@rY duAwir AwieAw BY BMjn hir rwieAw ]
firath firath thumharai dhuaar aaeiaa bhai bha(n)jan har raaeiaa ||
Wandering and roaming around, I have come to Your Door, Destroyer of fear, O Lord King.

swD ky crn DUir jnu bwCY suKu nwnk iehu pwieAw ]4]6]7]
saadhh kae charan dhhoor jan baashhai sukh naanak eihu paaeiaa ||4||6||7||
Servant Nanak yearns for the dust of the feet of the Holy; in it, he finds peace. ||4||6||7||

This translation is an updated version.

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