This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 20
BgvqI CMd ] qÍ pRswid ]
bhagavathee shha(n)dh || thv prasaadh ||
Bhagvati Chhand. By thy favour.
ik zwhr zhUr hYN ] ik hwzr hzUr hYN ]
k zaahar zehoor hai(n) || k haazar hazoor hai(n) ||
Thy splendour is manifest. Thou art Omnipresent.
hmysul slwm hYN ] smsqul klwm hyN ]150]
hamaesul salaam hai(n) || samasathul kalaam hae(n) ||150||
Thou art forever safe and sound. Thou art the hub of the utterances of all. (150)
ik swihb idmwg hYN ] ik husnl crwg hYN ]
k saahib dhimaag hai(n) || k husanal charaag hai(n) ||
Thou art the most intelligent. Thou art the fountainhead of beauty.
ik kwml krIm hYN ] ik rwzk rhIm hYN ] 151]
k kaamal kareem hai(n) || k raazak reheem hai(n) || 151||
Thou art extremely compassionate. Thou art the benign provider of daily bread. (151)
ik rozI idihMd hYN ] ik rwzk rihMd hYN ]
k rozee dhihi(n)dh hai(n) || k raazak rehi(n)dh hai(n) ||
Thou art the furnisher of the necessities of life. Thou art the nourisher and the redeemer.
krImul kmwl hYN ] ik husnl jmwl hYN ] 152]
kareemul kamaal hai(n) || k husanal jamaal hai(n) || 152||
Thou art the most beneficent lord. Thou art the elegance of beauty. (152)
ZnImul i^rwj hYN ] ZrIbul invwz hYN ]
g(h)aneemul khhiraaj hai(n) || g(h)areebul nivaaz hai(n) ||
Thou subjugates the enemies to impose taxes. Thou art kind to the destitute.
hrI&ul iSkMn hYN ] ihrwsul iPkMn hYN ] 153]
hareeul shika(n)n hai(n) || hiraasul fika(n)n hai(n) || 153||
Thou tears the defiant foes into pieces. Thou art the dispeller of terror. (153)
klMkM pRxwm hYN ] smsqul invws hYN ]
kala(n)ka(n) pranaam hai(n) || samasathul nivaas hai(n) ||
Thou art the destroyer of sins. Thou art inhabitant in all.
AgMjul gnIm hYN ] rjwiek rhIm hYN ] 154]
aga(n)jul ganeem hai(n) || rajaaeik reheem hai(n) || 154||
Thou art unvanquished by thy opponents. Thou art the beneficent supplier of sustenance. (154)
smsqul jubW hYN ] ik swihb ikrW hYN ]
samasathul jubaa(n) hai(n) || k saahib kiraa(n) hai(n) ||
Thou art the mouthpiece of all. Thou art the possessor of lucky stars.
ik nrkM pRxws hYN ] bihsqul invws hYN ] 155]
k naraka(n) pranaas hai(n) || behisathul nivaas hai(n) || 155||
Thou art the destroyer of hell, Thou art firmly ensconced in heaven. (155)
ik srbul gvMn hYN ] hmysul rvMn hYN ]
k sarabul gava(n)n hai(n) || hamaesul rava(n)n hai(n) ||
Thou moves around the world over. Thou leads a blissful life unceasingly.
qmwmul qmIj hYN ] smsqul AjIj hYN ] 156]
thamaamul thameej hai(n) || samasathul ajeej hai(n) || 156||
Thou distinguishes between all. Thou art the universal darling. (156)
prM prm eIs hYN ] smsqul AdIs hYN ]
para(n) param ees hai(n) || samasathul adhees hai(n) ||
Thou art the most prominent lord. Thou art the universal primal lord.
Adysul AlyK hYN ] hmysul AByK hYN ] 157]
adhaesul alaekh hai(n) || hamaesul abhaekh hai(n) || 157||
Thou art stateless and unrecorded. Thou art clothe less for all time. (157)
zmInul zmw hYN ] AmIkul iemw hYN ]
zameenul zamaa hai(n) || ameekul eimaa hai(n) ||
Thou art present in earth and sky. Thy faith is profound.
krImul kmwl hYN ] ik jurAiq jmwl hYN ] 158]
kareemul kamaal hai(n) || k juraath jamaal hai(n) || 158||
Thy kindness is perfect. Thy courage is splendid. (158)
ik AclM pRkws hYN ] ik Aimqo subws hYN ]
k achala(n) prakaas hai(n) || k amitho subaas hai(n) ||
Inextinguishable is thy flame. Excessive is thy fragrance,
ik Ajb srUp hYN ] ik Aimqo ibBUq hYN ] 159]
k ajab saroop hai(n) || k amitho bibhooth hai(n) || 159||
Marvellous is thy appearance, and inexplicable is thy majesty. (159)
ik Aimqo psw hYN ] ik Awqm pRBw hYN ]
k amitho pasaa hai(n) || k aatham prabhaa hai(n) ||
Thy expansion is illimitable. Thou art the radiance of thy sole.
ik AclM AnMg hYN ] ik Aimqo ABMg hYN ] 160]
k achala(n) ana(n)g hai(n) || k amitho abha(n)g hai(n) || 160||
Thou art immovable and bodiless. Thou art immeasurable and undestroyable. (160)