This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 94
iqRBMgI CMd ]
thribha(n)gee shha(n)dh ||
Tribhangi Chhandh
Kg KMf ibhMfM Kl dl KMfM Aiq rx mMfM br bMfM ]
khag kha(n)dd biha(n)dda(n) khal dhal kha(n)dda(n) ath ran ma(n)dda(n) bar ba(n)dda(n) ||
The sword hacks and breaks ruthlessly into pieces and fragments the hordes of fools. This vigorous (weapon) adorns the battlefield.
Buj dMf AKMfM qyj pRcMfM joiq AmMfM Bwn pRBM ]
bhuj dha(n)dd akha(n)dda(n) thaej pracha(n)dda(n) joth ama(n)dda(n) bhaan prabha(n) ||
Its long (forceful) arm is unbreakable. Its awesome splendour overshadows the lustre of the Sun.
suK sMqw krxM durmiq drxM iklibK hrxM Ais srxM ]
sukh sa(n)thaa karana(n) dhuramath dharana(n) kilabikh harana(n) as sarana(n) ||
It looks after the welfare of the Saints and pulverises the wicked. It destroys the sins and I seek Its refuge.
jY jY jg kwrx isRsit aubwrx mm pRiqpwrx jY qygM ]2]
jai jai jag kaaran srisatt oubaaran mam prathipaaran jai thaega(n) ||2||
Hail, hail to the Creator of the world, the Saviour of
the creation. My protector Scimitar, hail to Thee.(2)