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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
08 - 50 GYORS - Tilak Janju Rakha Prabh Taka - Devender Singh Various 50 Glorious Years of Recorded Shabads Volume I makkarjs


This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 126

cOpeI ]
chaapee ||

iqn ieh kl mo Drmu clwXo ] sB swDn ko rwh bqwXo ]
thin eih kal mo dhharam chalaayo || sabh saadhhan ko raah bathaayo ||
He (Guru Nanak Dev) promulgated this religion (Sikhism) in the Iron age. He showed the (genuine) way to all the saints.

jo qW ky mwrg mih Awey ] qy kbhUM nhI pwp sMqwey ] 5]
jo thaa(n) kae maarag mehi aaeae || thae kabehoo(n) nehee paap sa(n)thaaeae || 5||
Those who trod the Highway (The Sikh Faith) propagated by him, Were never plagued by the vices.(5)

jy jy pMQ qvn ky pry ] pwp qwp iqn ky pRB hry ]
jae jae pa(n)thh thavan kae parae || paap thaap thin kae prabh harae ||
Those persons, who joined his religious order, Their sins and sufferings were removed by the Lord.

dUK BUK kbhMU n sMqwey ] jwl kwl ky bIc n Awey ] 6]
dhookh bhookh kabeha(n)oo n sa(n)thaaeae || jaal kaal kae beech n aaeae || 6||
They were never tormented by the spectre of anguish and starvation. They were not caught in the noose of death. (6)

nwnk AMgd ko bpu Drw ] Drm pRcur ieh jg mo krw ]
naanak a(n)gadh ko bap dhharaa || dhharam prachur eih jag mo karaa ||
Guru Nanak Dev transformed himself into the body of (Guru) Angad Dev. He propagated the Dharma (the path of righteousness) in this world.

Amrdws puin nwmu khwXo ] jn dIpk qy dIp jgwXo ] 7]
amaradhaas pun naam kehaayo || jan dheepak thae dheep jagaayo || 7||
Thereafter he was called (Guru) Amar Das (in the third physical form), As a lamp is lit from a lighted lamp. (7)

jb brdwn smY vhu Awvw ] rwmdws qb gurU khwvw ]
jab baradhaan samai vahu aavaa || raamadhaas thab guroo kehaavaa ||
As the time approached for the boon, granted anciently to happen, Then Ram Das (of the Sodhi dynasty) was proclaimed as the (fourth) Guru (Le. the Spiritual Master).

iqh brdwn purwqn dIAw ] Amrdws surpuir mgu lIAw ] 8]
thih baradhaan puraathan dheeaa || amaradhaas surapur mag leeaa || 8||
(The third Guru Amar Das Bhalla) bestowed the boon offered anciently (to Ram Das Sodhi in the form of Guruship--seat of spiritual kingdom and made him the Guru. Guru Amar Das's soul mingled with the Supreme Soul. (8)

sRI nwnk AMgid kir mwnw ] Amrdws AMgd pihcwnw ]
sree naanak a(n)gadh kar maanaa || amaradhaas a(n)gadh pehichaanaa ||
Guru Nanak Dev was acknowledged in' Guru Angad Dev. Guru Angad Dev was recognized in Guru Amar Das.

Amrdws rwmdws khwXo ] swDin lKw mUVH nih pwXo ] 9]
amaradhaas raamadhaas kehaayo || saadhhan lakhaa moorrh nehi paayo || 9||
Guru Amar Das was called Guru Ram Dass. Only the saints know this secret whereas the fools cannot make it out.(9)

iBMn iBMn sBhUM kr jwnw ] eyk rUp iknhUM pihcwnw ]
bhi(n)n bhi(n)n sabhehoo(n) kar jaanaa || eaek roop kinehoo(n) pehichaanaa ||
All (Ignorant people) perceived the Gurus (Spiritual Masters) as dissimilar entities. Only a few recognized the Gurus as one and ,the same.

ijn jwnw iqn hI isD pweI ] ibn smJy isD hwiQ n AweI ] 10]
jin jaanaa thin hee sidhh paaee || bin samajhae sidhh haathh n aaee || 10||
They, who knew this fact, attained spiritual power. They, who did not make it out, attained no such power. (10)

rwmdws hir so iml gey ] gurqw dyq Arjnih Bey ]
raamadhaas har so mil geae || gurathaa dhaeth arajanehi bheae ||
Guru Ram Das merged with the Supreme Soul, And handed over the Guruship to Arjan Dev.

jb Arjn pRBu lok isDwey ] hirgoibMd iqh TW Tihrwey ] 11]
jab arajan prabh lok sidhhaaeae || harigobi(n)dh thih t(h)aa(n) t(h)ehiraaeae || 11||
When Guru Arjan Dev left for the abode of the True Lord, Guru Hargobind was seated on his Spiritual Throne.(11)

hirgoibMd pRB lok isDwry ] hrIrwie iqh TW bYTwry ]
harigobi(n)dh prabh lok sidhhaarae || hareeraae thih t(h)aa(n) bait(h)aarae ||
When Guru Hargobind marched. off to the abode of the True Lord, Guru Bar Rai ascended to his seat Le. Spiritual Throne

iqlk jMvU rwKw pRB qw kw ] kIno bfo klU mih swkw ]
thilak ja(n)voo raakhaa prabh thaa kaa || keeno baddo kaloo mehi saakaa ||
The Master (Guru Tegh Bahadur) saved the religious symbols-the frontal mark and the sacred thread of Kashmiri Brahmans and Hindus. He performed an epoch-making exploit in the Iron age.

swDun hyiq ieqI ijin krI ] sIsu dIAw pr sI n aucrI ]13]
saadhhun haeth eithee jin karee || sees dheeaa par see n oucharee ||13||
In order to save the pious people, he went far beyond the limit of sacrifice. He gave away his head but did not utter a whisper of a groan. (13)

nwtk cytk kIey kukwjw ] pRB logn kh Awvq lwjw ] 14]
naattak chaettak keeeae kukaajaa || prabh logan keh aavath laajaa || 14||
Leave aside mimicry, miraculous actions and misdeeds, The Devotees of the Lord feel ashamed even to mention these malpractices. (14)

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