This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 132
cOpeI ]
chaapee ||
ieh kwrin pRB moih pTwXo ] qb mY jgq jnm Dir AwXo ]
eih kaaran prabh mohi pat(h)aayo || thab mai jagath janam dhhar aayo ||
For that purpose, the Lord sent me.
Therefore I took birth and descended to the world.
ijm iqn khI iqnY iqm kihhoN ] Aaur iksU qy bYr n gihhoN ] 31]
jim thin kehee thinai thim kehiho(n) || aour kisoo thae bair n gehiho(n) || 31||
The way the Lord told me, I am going to state in the same way to them (the people).
I bear no rancour against anyone else.(31)
jo hm ko prmysr aucirhYN ] qy sB nrk kMuf mih pirhYN ]
jo ham ko paramaesar oucharihai(n) || thae sabh narak ka(n)udd mehi parihai(n) ||
Those who call me the Supreme Being, They all shall fall into the pit of hell.
mo kO dws qvn kw jwno ] Xw mY Byd n rMc pCwno ] 32]
mo ka dhaas thavan kaa jaano || yaa mai bhaedh n ra(n)ch pashhaano || 32||
Consider me as His (the Immortal Lord's) servant,
Understand that there is not one iota of discrepancy in this statement,(32)
mY ho prm purK ko dwsw ] dyKn AwXo jgq qmwsw ]
mai ho param purakh ko dhaasaa || dhaekhan aayo jagath thamaasaa ||
I am servant to the Supreme Lord.
And have come to witness the pageant of this world.
jo pRB jgiq khw so kihhoN ] imRq lok qy mon n rihhoN ] 33]
jo prabh jagath kehaa so kehiho(n) || mrith lok thae mon n rehiho(n) || 33||
Whatever I heard from the Lord of the world, I speak the same words.
I shall not suppress the divine truth for fear of mortal men.(33)