This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 132
nrwj CMd ]
naraaj shha(n)dh ||
Nraaj Chhand
kihE pRBU su BwiK hoN ] iksU n kwn rwiK hoN ]
kehiou prabhoo s bhaakh ho(n) || kisoo n kaan raakh ho(n) ||
I say only what the Lord said to me.
Narrating His words, I shall have no sympathetic concern for anyone.
iksU n ByK BIj hoN ] AlyK bIj bIj hoN ] 34]
kisoo n bhaekh bheej ho(n) || alaekh beej beej ho(n) || 34||
I would rather not associate myself with a particular garb.
I shall sow the seeds of the Name of the Unaccountable Lord.(34)
pKwx pUj hoN nhIN ] n ByK BIj ho khIN ]
pakhaan pooj ho(n) nehee(n) || n bhaekh bheej ho kehee(n) ||
I shall not worship stones.
I shall have no liking for a particular guise.
AnMq nwmu gwie hoN ] pr~m purK pwie hoN ]35]
ana(n)th naam gaae ho(n) || paraam purakh paae ho(n) ||35||
I shall sing the name of the Infinite Lord.
I will meet the Supreme Lord.(35)
jtw n sIs DwirhoN ] n muMdRkw suDwirhoN ]
jattaa n sees dhhaariho(n) || n mu(n)dhrakaa sudhhaariho(n) ||
I shall neither wear matted hair on my head,
Nor shall I put on ear-rings in my ears.
n kwn kwhU kI DroN ] kihE pRBU su mY kroN ] 36]
n kaan kaahoo kee dhharo(n) || kehiou prabhoo s mai karo(n) || 36||
I pay no attention to anyone else.
I shall execute whatever the Lord has bidden me.(36)
BjoN su eyk nwmXM ] ju kwm srb TwmXM ]
bhajo(n) s eaek naamaya(n) || j kaam sarab t(h)aamaya(n) ||
I recite only the Name of the One Lord.
Which is useful everywhere.
n jwp Awn ko jpo ] n Aaur Qwpnw Qpo ] 37]
n jaap aan ko japo || n aour thhaapanaa thhapo || 37||
I shall not meditate on another's name except the Lord's.
I shall never install any type of (statue or idol)'(37)
ibAMq nwm iDAwie hoN ] prm joiq pwie hoN ]
bia(n)th naam dhhiaae ho(n) || param joth paae ho(n) ||
I shall meditate on the Name of the Infinite Lord.
I shall attain the Supreme Light (The Eternal Being).
n iDAwn Awn ko DroN ] n nwm Awn aucroN ] 38]
n dhhiaan aan ko dhharo(n) || n naam aan oucharo(n) || 38||
I shall neither concentrate on anyone else,
Nor shall I repeat the name of anyone except that of the Lord.(38)
qv~k nwm r~iqXM ] n Awn mwn m~iqXM ]
thavaak naam raathiya(n) || n aan maan maathiya(n) ||
I shall only be imbued with Your Name.
I shall not accept the doctrine of any other faith.
pr~m iDAwn DwrIXM ] AnMq pwp twrIXM ] 39]
paraam dhhiaan dhhaareeya(n) || ana(n)th paap ttaareeya(n) || 39||
I shall meditate on the name of the Paramount (Supreme Being),
And I shall eradicate innumerable sins.(39)
qumyv rUp rwicXM ] n Awn dwn mwicXM ]
thumaev roop raachiya(n) || n aan dhaan maachiya(n) ||
I shall be permeated into Your Form.
But I shall not be gratified for a boon given by somebody else.
qv~k nwm aucwirXM ] AnMq dUK twirXM ] 40]
thavaak naam ouchaariya(n) || ana(n)th dhookh ttaariya(n) || 40||
I shall repeat Your Name only,
And I shall obliterate countless sufferings.( 40}