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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Niranjan Singh - Kaheyo Prabhu Sou Bakh Ho Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Chit Na Bhayo Hamro Aawan Keh HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 132

nrwj CMd ]
naraaj shha(n)dh ||
Nraaj Chhand

kihE pRBU su BwiK hoN ] iksU n kwn rwiK hoN ]
kehiou prabhoo s bhaakh ho(n) || kisoo n kaan raakh ho(n) ||
I say only what the Lord said to me. Narrating His words, I shall have no sympathetic concern for anyone.

iksU n ByK BIj hoN ] AlyK bIj bIj hoN ] 34]
kisoo n bhaekh bheej ho(n) || alaekh beej beej ho(n) || 34||
I would rather not associate myself with a particular garb. I shall sow the seeds of the Name of the Unaccountable Lord.(34)

pKwx pUj hoN nhIN ] n ByK BIj ho khIN ]
pakhaan pooj ho(n) nehee(n) || n bhaekh bheej ho kehee(n) ||
I shall not worship stones. I shall have no liking for a particular guise.

AnMq nwmu gwie hoN ] pr~m purK pwie hoN ]35]
ana(n)th naam gaae ho(n) || paraam purakh paae ho(n) ||35||
I shall sing the name of the Infinite Lord. I will meet the Supreme Lord.(35)

jtw n sIs DwirhoN ] n muMdRkw suDwirhoN ]
jattaa n sees dhhaariho(n) || n mu(n)dhrakaa sudhhaariho(n) ||
I shall neither wear matted hair on my head, Nor shall I put on ear-rings in my ears.

n kwn kwhU kI DroN ] kihE pRBU su mY kroN ] 36]
n kaan kaahoo kee dhharo(n) || kehiou prabhoo s mai karo(n) || 36||
I pay no attention to anyone else. I shall execute whatever the Lord has bidden me.(36)

BjoN su eyk nwmXM ] ju kwm srb TwmXM ]
bhajo(n) s eaek naamaya(n) || j kaam sarab t(h)aamaya(n) ||
I recite only the Name of the One Lord. Which is useful everywhere.

n jwp Awn ko jpo ] n Aaur Qwpnw Qpo ] 37]
n jaap aan ko japo || n aour thhaapanaa thhapo || 37||
I shall not meditate on another's name except the Lord's. I shall never install any type of (statue or idol)'(37)

ibAMq nwm iDAwie hoN ] prm joiq pwie hoN ]
bia(n)th naam dhhiaae ho(n) || param joth paae ho(n) ||
I shall meditate on the Name of the Infinite Lord. I shall attain the Supreme Light (The Eternal Being).

n iDAwn Awn ko DroN ] n nwm Awn aucroN ] 38]
n dhhiaan aan ko dhharo(n) || n naam aan oucharo(n) || 38||
I shall neither concentrate on anyone else, Nor shall I repeat the name of anyone except that of the Lord.(38)

qv~k nwm r~iqXM ] n Awn mwn m~iqXM ]
thavaak naam raathiya(n) || n aan maan maathiya(n) ||
I shall only be imbued with Your Name. I shall not accept the doctrine of any other faith.

pr~m iDAwn DwrIXM ] AnMq pwp twrIXM ] 39]
paraam dhhiaan dhhaareeya(n) || ana(n)th paap ttaareeya(n) || 39||
I shall meditate on the name of the Paramount (Supreme Being), And I shall eradicate innumerable sins.(39)

qumyv rUp rwicXM ] n Awn dwn mwicXM ]
thumaev roop raachiya(n) || n aan dhaan maachiya(n) ||
I shall be permeated into Your Form. But I shall not be gratified for a boon given by somebody else.

qv~k nwm aucwirXM ] AnMq dUK twirXM ] 40]
thavaak naam ouchaariya(n) || ana(n)th dhookh ttaariya(n) || 40||
I shall repeat Your Name only, And I shall obliterate countless sufferings.( 40}

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