This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 230
sYUuXw ]
saioouyaa ||
dyh isvw br moih iehY suB krmn qy kbhUM n troN ]
dhaeh sivaa bar mohi eihai subh karaman thae kabehoo(n) n ttaro(n) ||
O Power of the Supreme Lord! grant me this boon, that I may never falter in performing righteous actions.
n froN Air so jb jwie lroN inscY kr ApnI jIq kroN ]
n ddaro(n) ar so jab jaae laro(n) nisachai kar apanee jeeth karo(n) ||
When I go to fight my enemies, I may not be a bit intimidated by them and may certainly become victorious.
Aru isK hoN Awpny hI mn kO ieh lwlc hau gun qau aucroN ]
ar sikh ho(n) aapanae hee man ka eih laalach ho gun tho oucharo(n) ||
And I may give this instruction to my mind inculcate me with a consistent craving that I may ever utter Your praises.
jb Awv kI AauD indwn bnY Aq hI rn mY qb jUJ mroN ] 231]
jab aav kee aoudhh nidhaan banai ath hee ran mai thab joojh maro(n) || 231||
When my lifespan comes to an end, then I may lay down my life fighting fiercely in the war.(231)
cMif cirqR kiv~qn mY brinE sB hI rs rudR meI hY ]
cha(n)dd charithr kavthin mai baraniou sabh hee ras rudhr mee hai ||
I have narrated this Chandi Charitra (the wonders and the chronicle of Chandi) in poetry. It is full of violent sentiments.
eyk qy eyk rswl BieE nK qy isK lau aupmw su neI hY ]
eaek thae eaek rasaal bhaeiou nakh thae sikh lo oupamaa s nee hai ||
The Stanzas, one and all are deliciously composed and from head to foot, novel similes have been given (the poet says):
kauqk hyq krI kiv ny siq sX kI kQw ieh pUrI BeI hY ]
kouthak haeth karee kav nae sath say kee kathhaa eih pooree bhee hai ||
"I have composed the epic of Durga of seven hundred Shaloks for the pleasure of my mind and it is now complete.
jwih nim~q pVY suin hY nr so inscY kir qwih deI hY ] 232]
jaahi namth parrai sun hai nar so nisachai kar thaahi dhee hai || 232||
Any person with a specific purpose, reads it or listens to it with determination, Durga shall grant him the same(232)