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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Balbir Singh - Bin Kartaar Na Kirtan Mano Balbir Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Shabad Hazare Patshahi 10 Volume 1 amitojsinghmalik
03 - Balbir Singh - Prani Param Purakh Pag Laago Balbir Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Shabad Hazare Patshahi 10 Volume 1 amitojsinghmalik
02 - Harjinder Singh - Prani Param Purukh Pag Lago Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Sada Rehai Kanchan Si Kaya HSinghDCWale
03 - Harjinder Singh - Prabh Joo To Keh Laaj Hamari Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Sada Rehai Kanchan Si Kaya HSinghDCWale
01 - Jasbir Singh - Praani Param Purak Pag Laago Jasbir Singh (Paonta Sahib Waley) Shabad Gurbani from Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji 2 amitojsinghmalik
04 - Anoop Singh - Prabh Jo Tok Au Laaj Hamari Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Khalsa Meri Jaan Ki Jaan admin
03 - Anoop Singh - Prabh Joo Toh Kah Laaj Hamari Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Rakhwala HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 1540

rwmklI pwqSwhI 10]
raamakalee paathashaahee 10||
Ramkali By the Tenth Spiritual Master

pRwnI prm purK pK lwgo ]
praanee param purakh pakh laago ||
O man! touch the feet of the Supreme Being.

sovq khw moh inMdRw mY kbhUM suicq hYÍ jwgo ] 1] rhwau ]
sovath kehaa moh ni(n)dhraa mai kabehoo(n) suchith haiv jaago || 1|| rehaao ||
Why are you asleep in the slumber of attachment. It is high time for you to be alert and awake.(1)pause.

AOrn kh aupdysq hY psu qoih pRboD n lwgo ]
aaran keh oupadhaesath hai pas thohi prabodhh n laago ||
O stupid! you preach others but have learnt no wisdom yourself.

isMcq khw pry ibiKXn kh kbhu ibKY rs qXwgo ]1]
si(n)chath kehaa parae bikhiyan keh kabahu bikhai ras thayaago ||1||
Why are you irrigating sins? Ever abandon the taste of vice.(1)

kyvl krm Brm sy cInhu Drm krm Anurwgo ]
kaeval karam bharam sae cheenahu dhharam karam anuraago ||
Consider performing mere actions as a fallacy, and devote yourself to the religious acts.

sMgRih kro sdw ismrn ko prm pwp qij Bwgo ] 2]
sa(n)grehi karo sadhaa simaran ko param paap thaj bhaago || 2||
Always accumulate the remembrance of God. Cast off and flee from mortal sins.(2)

jw qy dUK pwp nih BytY kwl jwl qy qwgo ]
jaa thae dhookh paap nehi bhaettai kaal jaal thae thaago ||
By virtue of which suffering and sin do not afflict you. Understand the essence of the noose of Death.

jO suK cwho sdw sBn kO qO hir ky rs pwgo ] 3] 3]
ja sukh chaaho sadhaa sabhan ka tha har kae ras paago || 3|| 3||
If you desire to enjoy all sorts of comforts, be deeply engrossed in the taste of God's love.(3)(3)

rwgu soriT pwiqSwhI 10]
raag sorat(h) paathishaahee 10||
Rag Sorath by the Tenth Spiritual King (to be sung at midnight)

pRBjU qokih lwj hmwrI ] nIl kMT nrhir nwrwiex nIl bsn bnvwrI ] 1]rhwau ]
prabhajoo thokehi laaj hamaaree || neel ka(n)t(h) narehar naaraaein neel basan banavaaree || 1||rehaao ||
O Lord! my reputation rests with you. O, the Embodiment of the blue-throated (Shiva) the Man-lion, the denizen of water (Vishnu), the blue robed, the forest dweller (Krishna).(1)pause.

prm purK prmysr suAwmI pwvn paun AhwrI ]
param purakh paramaesar suaamee paavan poun ahaaree ||
O Supreme Cosmic Spirit, Supreme Being, Beloved Master,. Subsisting on air alone,

mwDv mhw joiq mDu mrdn mwn mukMd murwrI ] 1]
maadhhav mehaa joth madhh maradhan maan muka(n)dh muraaree || 1||a
O Lord of the wealth, Enormous Light, Destroyer of (the demon) Madhu, Lord, Bestower of Salvation and Destroyer of the demon Mur.(1)

inribkwr inrjur inMdRw ibnu inribK nrk invwrI ]
nirabikaar nirajur ni(n)dhraa bin nirabikh narak nivaaree ||
O Unchangeable, free of disease, sleepless, not conceivable through senses and Saviour from Hell.

ikRpwisMD kwl qYR drsI kuikRq pRnwsnkwrI ] 2]
kripaasi(n)dhh kaal thair dharasee kukrith pranaasanakaaree || 2||
O Ocean of compassion, Beholder of three Epochs and Annihilator of vice.(2).

Dnurpwn iDRqmwn DrwDr Ainibkwr AisDwrI ]
dhhanurapaan dhhrithamaan dhharaadhhar anibikaar asidhhaaree ||
O Holder of bow in Your hands, patient, supporter of the earth, unchangeable and wielder of the sword.

hO miq mMd crn srnwgiq kir gih lyhu aubwrI ] 3] 1] 4]
ha math ma(n)dh charan saranaagath kar gehi laehu oubaaree || 3|| 1|| 4||
I, of feeble mind, have come to the shelter of your feet, give me Your hand and save me.(3)(1)(4).

rwgu kilAwn pwiqSwhI 10]
raag kaliaan paathishaahee 10||
Rag Kaliyan By the Tenth King

ibn krqwr n ikrqm mwno ]
bin karathaar n kiratham maano ||
Believe not the created Names of the Lord except the Created Lord.

Awid Ajoin AjY AibnwsI iqh prmysr jwno ] 1] rhwau ]
aadh ajon ajai abinaasee thih paramaesar jaano || 1|| rehaao ||
One who is the origin of all, unborn, unconquerable and indestructible, consider Him alone as your Supreme Being.(1)pause.

khw BXo jo Awin jgq mY dsku Asur hir Gwey ]
kehaa bhayo jo aan jagath mai dhasak asur har ghaaeae ||
It does not matter if Hari (Vishnu), coming into the world, killed about ten demons.

AiDk pRpMc idKwie sBn kh Awpih bRhmu khwey ] 1]
adhhik prapa(n)ch dhikhaae sabhan keh aapehi breham kehaaeae || 1||
And exhibiting superfluous hypocrisies, declared I himself All-pervading Lord.(1)

BMjn gVHn smrQ sdw pRB so ikm jwq ignwXo ]
bha(n)jan garrhan samarathh sadhaa prabh so kim jaath ginaayo ||
The Immortal Lord ever has the power to break and make. How can he be accepted as (Vishnu).

qw qy srb kwl ky Ais ko Gwie bcwie n AwXo ] 2]
thaa thae sarab kaal kae as ko ghaae bachaae n aayo || 2||
As Vishnu could not save himself from the stroke of the sword of Universal Destroyer.(2)

kYsy qoih qwir hY suin jV Awp fubXo Bv swgr ]
kaisae thohi thaar hai sun jarr aap ddubayo bhav saagar ||
Listen O fool! how can he ferry you across who was drowned in the ocean of the world?

Cuitho kwl Pws qy qb hI gho Srin jgqwgr ] 3] 1] 5]
shhuttiho kaal faas thae thab hee geho sharan jagathaagar || 3|| 1|| 5||
You can only obtain release from the noose of Death, when you seek the shelter of the Lord who is the root cause of the world.(3)(1)(5)

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