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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Anoop Singh - Mitter Pyare Nu Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Jaye Mila Tinah Sajanah admin
03 - Dya Singh - Mittar Pyare Nu Dya Singh (Australia) Australian Sikh Rhythm & Soul admin
02 - Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Mittr Pyaar Noon Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Vol 13 (Shabads) amitojsinghmalik
07 - 50 GYORS - Mitter Pyare Noon (Nanak Nam Jahaz Hai) - Mohd Rafi Various 50 Glorious Years of Recorded Shabads Volume IV makkarjs
03 - Niranjan Singh - Mittar Payare Nu Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Jit Tumrey Duarey Aeyaa HSinghDCWale
07 - Surinder Singh Jodhpuri - Mittar Pyare Nu Surinder Singh Jodhpuri Bang Ke Bangali nihang
04 - Jasbir Singh - Mitar Piarey Noon Haal Muridan Da Kehna Jasbir Singh (Paonta Sahib Waley) Shabad Gurbani from Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji 1 amitojsinghmalik
02 - Ishmeet Singh - Mitar Pyare Ishmeet Singh Satgur Tumre Kaaj Savaare amitojsinghmalik
03 - Ghulam Mohammed Chand Rababi - Mitar Piyare Nu Haal Muridaa da Kehna Ghulam Mohammed Chand Rababi Satgur Nanak Pargatiaa Miti Dhund Jag Chanan Hoaa admin
04 - Shail Hada - Mittar Pyare Nu (Gurbani) (Heroes 2008) Various Bollywood Gurbani Tracks (Sikh Sangeet Compilation) Unknown
03 - Harbans Singh - Haal Mureedan Da Kehna Harbans Singh (Jagadhari Wale) Ab Main Apni Katha Bakhano amitojsinghmalik
03 - Joginder Singh Riar - Mittar Pyare Noon Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Charan Chalo Marg Gobind HSinghDCWale
01 - Gurkirat Singh - Mitar Pyaare Nu Gurkirat Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Mittar Pyare Nu HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 1541

iKAwl pwiqSwhI 10]
khiaal paathishaahee 10||
Khyal By the Tenth King

imqR ipAwry nMU hwl murIdW dw kihxw ]
mithr piaarae na(n)oo haal mureedhaa(n) dhaa kehinaa ||
Tell the Beloved Friend (God) the plight of us, the Disciples.

quDu ibnu rogu rjweIAW dw EFx nwg invwsW dy rihxw ]
thudhh bin rog rajaaeeaaa(n) dhaa oudtan naag nivaasaa(n) dhae rehinaa ||
"Without You, it is a torment to wear quilts (in winter) and living in imposing mansion is like dwelling with snakes."

sUl surwhI KMjru ipAwlw ibMg ksweIAW dw sihxw ]
sool suraahee kha(n)jar piaalaa bi(n)g kasaaeeaaa(n) dhaa sehinaa ||
The flask is like a (honed) spike, the goblet is like a dagger and (your separation) is akin to enduring the thrust of a butcher's knife.

XwrVy dw swnMU s~Qru cMgw B~T KyiVAW dw rihxw ] 1] 1] 6]
yaararrae dhaa saana(n)oo saathhar cha(n)gaa bhaat(h) khaerriaaa(n) dhaa rehinaa || 1|| 1|| 6||
The bare floor of (our Beloved) Friend is acceptable to us. Living in towns is like living in a furnace.(1)(1)(6)

iqlMg kwPI pwiqSwhI ] 10]
thila(n)g kaafee paathishaahee || 10||
Tilung Kaafee By the Tenth Guru (sung afternoon)

kyvl kwl eI krqwr ]
kaeval kaal ee karathaar ||
The Universal Destroyer alone is the Creator.

Awid AMq AnMiq mUrq gVHn BMjnhwr ] 1] rhwau ]
aadh a(n)th ana(n)th moorath garrhan bha(n)janehaar || 1|| rehaao ||
He is the Primal and Ultimate Incarnate. He is the maker and the destroyer.(1) pause.

inMd ausqq jaun ky sm S~qRu imqR n koie ]
ni(n)dh ousathath joun kae sam shaathr mithr n koe ||
To whom slander and praise are the same and who has neither an enemy nor a friend.

kaun bwt prI iqsY pQ swrQI rQ hoie ] 1]
koun baatt paree thisai pathh saarathhee rathh hoe || 1||
What calamity befell Him that He became the charioteer of Parth (Arjuna) ?(1)

qwq mwq n jwq jwkr puqR pOqR mukMd ]
thaath maath n jaath jaakar puthr paathr muka(n)dh ||
The Saviour who has neither father, nor mother, neither caste nor a son or grandson;

kaun kwj khwihMgy qy Awin dyvik nMd ] 2]
koun kaaj kehaahi(n)gae thae aan dhaevak na(n)dh || 2||
What prompted Him to come to this world and called Himself the son of Devki (Krishna).(2)

dyv dYq idsw ivsw ijh kIn srb pswr ]
dhaev dhaith dhisaa visaa jih keen sarab pasaar ||
He who created gods, demons, directions, semi directions and the whole (Universe).

kaun aupmw qaun ko muK lyq nwmu murwr ] 3] 1] 7]
koun oupamaa thoun ko mukh laeth naam muraar || 3|| 1|| 7||
It is no glory for Him that you designate Him only Murari (the killer of the demon Mur).(3)(1)(7)

rwgu iblwvl pwiqSwhI 10]
raag bilaaval paathishaahee 10||
Rag Bilaaval By the Tenth Guru (to be sung at noon)

so ikm mwns rUp khwey ]
so kim maanas roop kehaaeae ||
How can He be called to have a human form?

is~D smwD swD kr hwry kXOhUM n dyKn pwey ] 1] rhwau ]
sdhh samaadhh saadhh kar haarae kayaehoo(n) n dhaekhan paaeae || 1|| rehaao ||
Whom the Sidhas (divine sages) have grown weary in His meditation but could not visualize Him.(1)pause.

nwrd ibAws prwsr DRUA sy DXwvq DXwn lgwey ]
naaradh biaas paraasar dhhrooa sae dhhayaavath dhhayaan lagaaeae ||
Personages like Narada, Vyasa, Prasara and Dhruva meditate seriously on Him.

byd purwn hwr hT CwifE qdip DXwn n Awey ] 1]
baedh puraan haar hat(h) shhaaddiou thadhap dhhayaan n aaeae || 1||
The Vedas and the Puranas failed and abandoned their stubbornness, even then He could not be visualized in their minds.(1)

dwnv dyv ipswc pyRq qy nyqih nyiq khwey ]
dhaanav dhaev pisaach paerath thae naethehi naeth kehaaeae ||
He has been described Fathomless and Endless by the demons, the gods, the fiends and the goblins.

sUCm qy sUCm kr cIny ib~RDn ib~RD bqwey ] 2]
sooshham thae sooshham kar cheenae bridhhan bridhh bathaaeae || 2||
He can be envisaged as the subtlest of the subtle and is described as the largest of the large.(2)

BUm AkwS pqwl sBO sij eyk Anyk sdwey ]
bhoom akaash pathaal sabha saj eaek anaek sadhaaeae ||
Creating the earth, the sky and the nether regions, the One God pronounces Himself to have many forms.

so nr kwl Pws qy bwcy jo hir srx isDwey ] 3]1]
so nar kaal faas thae baachae jo har saran sidhhaaeae || 3||1||
The person who seeks the refuge of God, only he can escape the noose of Death.(3)(1)(8)

rwgu dyvgMDwrI pwiqSwhI 10]
raag dhaevaga(n)dhhaaree paathishaahee 10||
Rag Devgandkari By the Tenth Guru (To be sung 4 hours after sunrise)

iek ibn dUsr so n icnwr ]
eik bin dhoosar so n chinaar ||
Recognize only One Supreme Soul but none else.

BMjn gVHn smrQ sdw pRB jwnq hY krqwr ] 1] rhwau ]
bha(n)jan garrhan samarathh sadhaa prabh jaanath hai karathaar || 1|| rehaao ||
The Lord has always the power to destroy and create; the Creator knows everything.(1) pause.

khw BieE jo Aiq ihq icq kr bhuibiD islw pujweI ]
kehaa bhaeiou jo ath hith chith kar bahubidhh silaa pujaaee ||
What if one worships a stone in various ways with great love and devotion.

pRwn QikE pwihn k~h prsq kCu kr is~D n AweI ] 1]
praan thhakiou paahin kaeh parasath kashh kar sdhh n aaee || 1||
Worshipping stones, the soul grew weary (the end came) but no spiritual power was gained upto now.(1)

A~Cq DUp dIp Arpq hY pwhn kCU n KYhY ]
aashhath dhhoop dheep arapath hai paahan kashhoo n khaihai ||
Despite offering whole rice, incense and burning lamps etc., the stone eats nothing.

qw mY khW is~D hY ry jV qoih kCU br dY hY ] 2]
thaa mai kehaa(n) sdhh hai rae jarr thohi kashhoo bar dhai hai || 2||
O ignorant one! what spiritual power is in it (the stone) which can bless you with.(2)

jO jIX hoq dyq kCu quih kr mn bc krm ibcwr ]
ja jeey hoth dhaeth kashh thuhi kar man bach karam bichaar ||
If it were alive, then it will give you something. Consider carefully this fact in thought, word and deed.

kyvl eyk Srix suAwmI ibn XO nih kqih auDwr ] 3] 1] 9]
kaeval eaek sharan suaamee bin ya nehi kathehi oudhhaar || 3|| 1|| 9||
Without the shelter of One Sole God there will be no deliverance for you.(3)(1)(9)

rwgu dyvgMDwrI pwiqSwhI 10]
raag dhaevaga(n)dhhaaree paathishaahee 10||
Rag Devgandhari By the Tenth Guru

ibn hir nwm n bwcn pY hY ]
bin har naam n baachan pai hai ||
Without God's Name, no one cane be saved.

cOdh lok jwih bis kIny qw qy khW plY hY ] 1] rhwau ]
chaadheh lok jaahi bas keenae thaa thae kehaa(n) palai hai || 1|| rehaao ||
Universal Destroyer who holds the fourteen worlds, how can you flee from Him ?(1) pause.

rwm rhIm aubwr n sik hY jw kr nwm rtY hY ] bRhmw ibSn rudR sUrh sis qy bis kwl sBY hY ] 1]
raam reheem oubaar n sak hai jaa kar naam rattai hai || brehamaa bishan rudhr sooreh sas thae bas kaal sabhai hai || 1||
Ram and Rahim whose names you repeat cannot save you from Him (All death). Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, the sun and the moon are all subject to death.(1)

byd purwn kurwn sBY mq jwkh nyiq khY hY ]
baedh puraan kuraan sabhai math jaakeh naeth kehai hai ||
The Vedas, the Puranas, the Quran and all faiths call Him infinite.

ieMdR PinMdR muinMdR klp bhu DXwvq DXwn n AY hY ] 2]
ei(n)dhr fani(n)dhr muni(n)dhr kalap bahu dhhayaavath dhhayaan n ai hai || 2||
Indra, Sheshnag and chief of the saints meditated on Him for many ages but could not visualize Him in their minds.(2)

jw kr rUp rMg nih jinXq so ikm sXwm khY hY ]
jaa kar roop ra(n)g nehi janiyath so kim sayaam kehai hai ||
How can He be called black when His form and colour cannot be known.

Cutho kwl jwl qy qb hI qwih crn lptY hY ] 3] 2]
shhutteho kaal jaal thae thab hee thaahi charan lapattai hai || 3|| 2||
You can extricate yourself from the noose of Death when you cling to the feet of the Lord.(3)(2)(1O)

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