This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Bihaagraa on Pannaa 538
rwgu ibhwgVw mhlw 4 ]
raag bihaagarraa mehalaa 4 ||
Raag Bihaagraa, Fourth Mehla:
AMimRqu hir hir nwmu hY myrI ijMduVIey AMimRqu gurmiq pwey rwm ]
a(n)mrith har har naam hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae a(n)mrith guramath paaeae raam ||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is Ambrosial Nectar, O my soul; through the Guru's Teachings, this Nectar is obtained.
haumY mwieAw ibKu hY myrI ijMduVIey hir AMimRiq ibKu lih jwey rwm ]
houmai maaeiaa bikh hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae har a(n)mrith bikh lehi jaaeae raam ||
Pride in Maya is poison, O my soul; through the Ambrosial Nectar of the Name, this poison is eradicated.
mnu sukw hirAw hoieAw myrI ijMduVIey hir hir nwmu iDAwey rwm ]
man sukaa hariaa hoeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae har har naam dhhiaaeae raam ||
The dry mind is rejuvenated, O my soul, meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
hir Bwg vfy iliK pwieAw myrI ijMduVIey jn nwnk nwim smwey rwm ]1]
har bhaag vaddae likh paaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jan naanak naam samaaeae raam ||1||
The Lord has given me the pre-ordained blessing of high destiny, O my soul; servant Nanak merges in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||
hir syqI mnu byiDAw myrI ijMduVIey ijau bwlk lig duD KIry rwm ]
har saethee man baedhhiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jio baalak lag dhudhh kheerae raam ||
My mind is attached to the Lord, O my soul, like the infant, sucking his mother's milk.
hir ibnu sWiq n pweIAY myrI ijMduVIey ijau cwiqRku jl ibnu tyry rwm ]
har bin saa(n)th n paaeeai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jio chaathrik jal bin ttaerae raam ||
Without the Lord, I find no peace, O my soul; I am like the song-bird, crying out without the rain drops.
siqgur srxI jwie pau myrI ijMduVIey gux dsy hir pRB kyry rwm ]
sathigur saranee jaae po maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gun dhasae har prabh kaerae raam ||
Go, and seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru, O my soul; He shall tell you of the Glorious Virtues of the Lord God.
jn nwnk hir mylwieAw myrI ijMduVIey Gir vwjy sbd Gxyry rwm ]2]
jan naanak har maelaaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae ghar vaajae sabadh ghanaerae raam ||2||
Servant Nanak has merged into the Lord, O my soul; the many melodies of the Shabad resound within his heart. ||2||
mnmuiK haumY ivCuVy myrI ijMduVIey ibKu bwDy haumY jwly rwm ]
manamukh houmai vishhurrae maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae bikh baadhhae houmai jaalae raam ||
Through egotism, the self-willed manmukhs are separated, O my soul; bound to poison, they are burnt by egotism.
ijau pMKI kpoiq Awpu bn@wieAw myrI ijMduVIey iqau mnmuK siB vis kwly rwm ]
jio pa(n)khee kapoth aap banhaaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae thio manamukh sabh vas kaalae raam ||
Like the pigeon, which itself falls into the trap, O my soul, all the self-willed manmukhs fall under the influence of death.
jo moih mwieAw icqu lwiedy myrI ijMduVIey sy mnmuK mUV ibqwly rwm ]
jo mohi maaeiaa chith laaeidhae maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae sae manamukh moorr bithaalae raam ||
Those self-willed manmukhs who focus their consciousness on Maya, O my soul, are foolish, evil demons.
jn qRwih qRwih srxwgqI myrI ijMduVIey gur nwnk hir rKvwly rwm ]3]
jan thraahi thraahi saranaagathee maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gur naanak har rakhavaalae raam ||3||
The Lord's humble servants beseech and implore Him, and enter His Sanctuary, O my soul; Guru Nanak becomes their Divine Protector. ||3||
hir jn hir ilv aubry myrI ijMduVIey Duir Bwg vfy hir pwieAw rwm ]
har jan har liv oubarae maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae dhhur bhaag vaddae har paaeiaa raam ||
The Lord's humble servants are saved, through the Love of the Lord, O my soul; by their pre-ordained good destiny, they obtain the Lord.
hir hir nwmu poqu hY myrI ijMduVIey gur Kyvt sbid qrwieAw rwm ]
har har naam poth hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gur khaevatt sabadh tharaaeiaa raam ||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the ship, O my soul, and the Guru is the helmsman. Through the Word of the Shabad, He ferries us across.
hir hir purKu dieAwlu hY myrI ijMduVIey gur siqgur mIT lgwieAw rwm ]
har har purakh dhaeiaal hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gur sathigur meet(h) lagaaeiaa raam ||
The Lord, Har, Har, is all-powerful and very kind, O my soul; through the Guru, the True Guru, He seems so sweet.
kir ikrpw suix bynqI hir hir jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw rwm ]4]2]
kar kirapaa sun baenathee har har jan naanak naam dhhiaaeiaa raam ||4||2||
Shower Your Mercy upon me, and hear my prayer, O Lord, Har, Har; please, let servant Nanak meditate on Your Name. ||4||2||
This translation is an updated version.