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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Harbans Singh - Amrit Har Har Naam Hai Harbans Singh (Jagadhari Wale) Ab Main Apni Katha Bakhano amitojsinghmalik


This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Bihaagraa on Pannaa 538

rwgu ibhwgVw mhlw 4 ]
raag bihaagarraa mehalaa 4 ||
Raag Bihaagraa, Fourth Mehla:

AMimRqu hir hir nwmu hY myrI ijMduVIey AMimRqu gurmiq pwey rwm ]
a(n)mrith har har naam hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae a(n)mrith guramath paaeae raam ||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is Ambrosial Nectar, O my soul; through the Guru's Teachings, this Nectar is obtained.

haumY mwieAw ibKu hY myrI ijMduVIey hir AMimRiq ibKu lih jwey rwm ]
houmai maaeiaa bikh hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae har a(n)mrith bikh lehi jaaeae raam ||
Pride in Maya is poison, O my soul; through the Ambrosial Nectar of the Name, this poison is eradicated.

mnu sukw hirAw hoieAw myrI ijMduVIey hir hir nwmu iDAwey rwm ]
man sukaa hariaa hoeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae har har naam dhhiaaeae raam ||
The dry mind is rejuvenated, O my soul, meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

hir Bwg vfy iliK pwieAw myrI ijMduVIey jn nwnk nwim smwey rwm ]1]
har bhaag vaddae likh paaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jan naanak naam samaaeae raam ||1||
The Lord has given me the pre-ordained blessing of high destiny, O my soul; servant Nanak merges in the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

hir syqI mnu byiDAw myrI ijMduVIey ijau bwlk lig duD KIry rwm ]
har saethee man baedhhiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jio baalak lag dhudhh kheerae raam ||
My mind is attached to the Lord, O my soul, like the infant, sucking his mother's milk.

hir ibnu sWiq n pweIAY myrI ijMduVIey ijau cwiqRku jl ibnu tyry rwm ]
har bin saa(n)th n paaeeai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jio chaathrik jal bin ttaerae raam ||
Without the Lord, I find no peace, O my soul; I am like the song-bird, crying out without the rain drops.

siqgur srxI jwie pau myrI ijMduVIey gux dsy hir pRB kyry rwm ]
sathigur saranee jaae po maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gun dhasae har prabh kaerae raam ||
Go, and seek the Sanctuary of the True Guru, O my soul; He shall tell you of the Glorious Virtues of the Lord God.

jn nwnk hir mylwieAw myrI ijMduVIey Gir vwjy sbd Gxyry rwm ]2]
jan naanak har maelaaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae ghar vaajae sabadh ghanaerae raam ||2||
Servant Nanak has merged into the Lord, O my soul; the many melodies of the Shabad resound within his heart. ||2||

mnmuiK haumY ivCuVy myrI ijMduVIey ibKu bwDy haumY jwly rwm ]
manamukh houmai vishhurrae maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae bikh baadhhae houmai jaalae raam ||
Through egotism, the self-willed manmukhs are separated, O my soul; bound to poison, they are burnt by egotism.

ijau pMKI kpoiq Awpu bn@wieAw myrI ijMduVIey iqau mnmuK siB vis kwly rwm ]
jio pa(n)khee kapoth aap banhaaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae thio manamukh sabh vas kaalae raam ||
Like the pigeon, which itself falls into the trap, O my soul, all the self-willed manmukhs fall under the influence of death.

jo moih mwieAw icqu lwiedy myrI ijMduVIey sy mnmuK mUV ibqwly rwm ]
jo mohi maaeiaa chith laaeidhae maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae sae manamukh moorr bithaalae raam ||
Those self-willed manmukhs who focus their consciousness on Maya, O my soul, are foolish, evil demons.

jn qRwih qRwih srxwgqI myrI ijMduVIey gur nwnk hir rKvwly rwm ]3]
jan thraahi thraahi saranaagathee maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gur naanak har rakhavaalae raam ||3||
The Lord's humble servants beseech and implore Him, and enter His Sanctuary, O my soul; Guru Nanak becomes their Divine Protector. ||3||

hir jn hir ilv aubry myrI ijMduVIey Duir Bwg vfy hir pwieAw rwm ]
har jan har liv oubarae maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae dhhur bhaag vaddae har paaeiaa raam ||
The Lord's humble servants are saved, through the Love of the Lord, O my soul; by their pre-ordained good destiny, they obtain the Lord.

hir hir nwmu poqu hY myrI ijMduVIey gur Kyvt sbid qrwieAw rwm ]
har har naam poth hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gur khaevatt sabadh tharaaeiaa raam ||
The Name of the Lord, Har, Har, is the ship, O my soul, and the Guru is the helmsman. Through the Word of the Shabad, He ferries us across.

hir hir purKu dieAwlu hY myrI ijMduVIey gur siqgur mIT lgwieAw rwm ]
har har purakh dhaeiaal hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gur sathigur meet(h) lagaaeiaa raam ||
The Lord, Har, Har, is all-powerful and very kind, O my soul; through the Guru, the True Guru, He seems so sweet.

kir ikrpw suix bynqI hir hir jn nwnk nwmu iDAwieAw rwm ]4]2]
kar kirapaa sun baenathee har har jan naanak naam dhhiaaeiaa raam ||4||2||
Shower Your Mercy upon me, and hear my prayer, O Lord, Har, Har; please, let servant Nanak meditate on Your Name. ||4||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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