This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Bihaagraa on Pannaa 539
ibhwgVw mhlw 4 ]
bihaagarraa mehalaa 4 ||
Bihaagraa, Fourth Mehla:
hau bilhwrI iqn@ kau myrI ijMduVIey ijn@ hir hir nwmu ADwro rwm ]
ho balihaaree thinh ko maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jinh har har naam adhhaaro raam ||
I am a sacrifice, O my soul, to those who take the Support of the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
guir siqguir nwmu idRVwieAw myrI ijMduVIey ibKu Baujlu qwrxhwro rwm ]
gur sathigur naam dhrirraaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae bikh bhoujal thaaranehaaro raam ||
The Guru, the True Guru, implanted the Name within me, O my soul, and He has carried me across the terrifying world-ocean of poison.
ijn iek min hir iDAwieAw myrI ijMduVIey iqn sMq jnw jYkwro rwm ]
jin eik man har dhhiaaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae thin sa(n)th janaa jaikaaro raam ||
Those who have meditated one-pointedly on the Lord, O my soul - I proclaim the Victory of those saintly beings.
nwnk hir jip suKu pwieAw myrI ijMduVIey siB dUK invwrxhwro rwm ]1]
naanak har jap sukh paaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae sabh dhookh nivaaranehaaro raam ||1||
Nanak has found peace, meditating on the Lord, O my soul; the Lord is the Destroyer of all pain. ||1||
sw rsnw Dnu DMnu hY myrI ijMduVIey gux gwvY hir pRB kyry rwm ]
saa rasanaa dhhan dhha(n)n hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae gun gaavai har prabh kaerae raam ||
Blessed, blessed is that tongue, O my soul, which sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord God.
qy sRvn Bly soBnIk hih myrI ijMduVIey hir kIrqnu suxih hir qyry rwm ]
thae sravan bhalae sobhaneek hehi maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae har keerathan sunehi har thaerae raam ||
Sublime and splendid are those ears, O my soul, which listen to the Kirtan of the Lord's Praises.
so sIsu Blw pivqR pwvnu hY myrI ijMduVIey jo jwie lgY gur pYry rwm ]
so sees bhalaa pavithr paavan hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jo jaae lagai gur pairae raam ||
Sublime, pure and pious is that head, O my soul, which falls at the Guru's Feet.
gur ivthu nwnku vwirAw myrI ijMduVIey ijin hir hir nwmu icqyry rwm ]2]
gur vittahu naanak vaariaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jin har har naam chithaerae raam ||2||
Nanak is a sacrifice to that Guru, O my soul; the Guru has placed the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, in my mind. ||2||
qy nyqR Bly prvwxu hih myrI ijMduVIey jo swDU siqguru dyKih rwm ]
thae naethr bhalae paravaan hehi maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jo saadhhoo sathigur dhaekhehi raam ||
Blessed and approved are those eyes, O my soul, which gaze upon the Holy True Guru.
qy hsq punIq pivqR hih myrI ijMduVIey jo hir jsu hir hir lyKih rwm ]
thae hasath puneeth pavithr hehi maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jo har jas har har laekhehi raam ||
Sacred and sanctified are those hands, O my soul, which write the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har.
iqsu jn ky pg inq pUjIAih myrI ijMduVIey jo mwrig Drm clysih rwm ]
this jan kae pag nith poojeeahi maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jo maarag dhharam chalaesehi raam ||
I worship continually the feet of that humble being, O my soul, who walks on the Path of Dharma - the path of righteousness.
nwnku iqn ivthu vwirAw myrI ijMduVIey hir suix hir nwmu mnysih rwm ]3]
naanak thin vittahu vaariaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae har sun har naam manaesehi raam ||3||
Nanak is a sacrifice to those, O my soul, who hear of the Lord, and believe in the Lord's Name. ||3||
Driq pwqwlu Awkwsu hY myrI ijMduVIey sB hir hir nwmu iDAwvY rwm ]
dhharath paathaal aakaas hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae sabh har har naam dhhiaavai raam ||
The earth, the nether regions of the underworld, and the Akaashic ethers, O my soul, all meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
pauxu pwxI bYsMqro myrI ijMduVIey inq hir hir hir jsu gwvY rwm ]
poun paanee baisa(n)tharo maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae nith har har har jas gaavai raam ||
Wind, water and fire, O my soul, continually sing the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har, Har.
vxu iqRxu sBu Awkwru hY myrI ijMduVIey muiK hir hir nwmu iDAwvY rwm ]
van thrin sabh aakaar hai maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae mukh har har naam dhhiaavai raam ||
The woods, the meadows and the whole world, O my soul, chant with their mouths the Lord's Name, and meditate on the Lord.
nwnk qy hir dir pYn@wieAw myrI ijMduVIey jo gurmuiK Bgiq mnu lwvY rwm ]4]4]
naanak thae har dhar painhaaeiaa maeree ji(n)dhurreeeae jo guramukh bhagath man laavai raam ||4||4||
O Nanak, one who, as Gurmukh, focuses his consciousness on the Lord's devotional worship - O my soul, he is robed in honor in the Court of the Lord. ||4||4||
This translation is an updated version.