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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Anoop Singh - Paap Kamavdeya Tera Koi Na Beli Ram Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Paap Kamavdeya Tera Koi Na Beli Ram HSinghDCWale
01 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - So Den Safal Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Darshan Dhekh Jeewan Gur Tera HSinghDCWale
01 - Harjinder Singh - So Den Safal Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Darshan Dekh Jiva Gur Tera HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bihaagraa on Pannaa 546

ibhwgVw mhlw 5 CMq ]
bihaagarraa mehalaa 5 shha(n)th ||
Bihaagraa, Fifth Mehla, Chhant:

An kwey rwqiVAw vwt duhylI rwm ]
an kaaeae raatharriaa vaatt dhuhaelee raam ||
Why are you imbued with the love of another? That path is very dangerous.

pwp kmwvidAw qyrw koie n bylI rwm ]
paap kamaavadhiaa thaeraa koe n baelee raam ||
O sinner, no one is your friend.

koey n bylI hoie qyrw sdw pCoqwvhy ]
koeae n baelee hoe thaeraa sadhaa pashhothaavehae ||
No one shall be your friend, and you shall forever regret your actions.

gun gupwl n jpih rsnw iPir kdhu sy idh Awvhy ]
gun gupaal n japehi rasanaa fir kadhahu sae dhih aavehae ||
You have not chanted with your tongue the Praises of the Sustainer of the World; when will these days come again?

qrvr ivCuMny nh pwq juVqy jm mig gaunu iekylI ]
tharavar vishhu(n)nae neh paath jurrathae jam mag goun eikaelee ||
The leaf, separated from the branch, shall not be joined with it again; all alone, it falls on its way to death.

ibnvMq nwnk ibnu nwm hir ky sdw iPrq duhylI ]1]
binava(n)th naanak bin naam har kae sadhaa firath dhuhaelee ||1||
Prays Nanak, without the Lord's Name, the soul wanders, forever suffering. ||1||

qUM vlvMc lUik krih sB jwxY jwxI rwm ]
thoo(n) valava(n)ch look karehi sabh jaanai jaanee raam ||
You are practicing deception secretly, but the Lord, the Knower, knows all.

lyKw Drm BieAw iql pIVy GwxI rwm ]
laekhaa dhharam bhaeiaa thil peerrae ghaanee raam ||
When the Righteous Judge of Dharma reads your account, you shall be squeezed like a sesame seed in the oil-press.

ikrq kmwxy duK shu prwxI Aink join BRmwieAw ]
kirath kamaanae dhukh sahu paraanee anik jon bhramaaeiaa ||
For the actions you committed, you shall suffer the penalty; you shall be consigned to countless reincarnations.

mhw mohnI sMig rwqw rqn jnmu gvwieAw ]
mehaa mohanee sa(n)g raathaa rathan janam gavaaeiaa ||
Imbued with the love of Maya, the great enticer, you shall lose the jewel of this human life.

ieksu hir ky nwm bwJhu Awn kwj isAwxI ]
eikas har kae naam baajhahu aan kaaj siaanee ||
Except for the One Name of the Lord, you are clever in everything else.

ibnvMq nwnk lyKu iliKAw Brim moih luBwxI ]2]
binava(n)th naanak laekh likhiaa bharam mohi lubhaanee ||2||
Prays Nanak, those who have such pre-ordained destiny are attracted to doubt and emotional attachment. ||2||

bIcu n koie kry Aik®qGxu ivCuiV pieAw ]
beech n koe karae akirathaghan vishhurr paeiaa ||
No one advocates for the ungrateful person, who is separated from the Lord.

Awey Kry kiTn jmkMkir pkiV lieAw ]
aaeae kharae kat(h)in jamaka(n)kar pakarr laeiaa ||
The hard-hearted Messenger of Death comes and seizes him.

pkVy clwieAw Apxw kmwieAw mhw mohnI rwiqAw ]
pakarrae chalaaeiaa apanaa kamaaeiaa mehaa mohanee raathiaa ||
He seizes him, and leads him away, to pay for his evil deeds; he was imbued with Maya, the great enticer.

gun goivMd gurmuiK n jipAw qpq QMm@ gil lwiqAw ]
gun govi(n)dh guramukh n japiaa thapath thha(n)mh gal laathiaa ||
He was not Gurmukh - he did not chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe; and now, the hot irons are put to his chest.

kwm k®oiD AhMkwir mUTw Koie igAwnu pCuqwipAw ]
kaam krodhh aha(n)kaar moot(h)aa khoe giaan pashhuthaapiaa ||
He is ruined by sexual desire, anger and egotism; deprived of spiritual wisdom, he comes to regret.

ibnvMq nwnk sMjoig BUlw hir jwpu rsn n jwipAw ]3]
binava(n)th naanak sa(n)jog bhoolaa har jaap rasan n jaapiaa ||3||
Prays Nanak, by his cursed destiny he has gone astray; with his tongue, he does not chant the Name of the Lord. ||3||

quJ ibnu ko nwhI pRB rwKnhwrw rwm ]
thujh bin ko naahee prabh raakhanehaaraa raam ||
Without You, God, no one is our savior.

piqq auDwrx hir ibrdu qumwrw rwm ]
pathith oudhhaaran har biradh thumaaraa raam ||
It is Your Nature, Lord, to save the sinners.

piqq auDwrn srin suAwmI ik®pw iniD dieAwlw ]
pathith oudhhaaran saran suaamee kirapaa nidhh dhaeiaalaa ||
O Savior of sinners, I have entered Your Sanctuary, O Lord and Master, Compassionate Ocean of Mercy.

AMD kUp qy auDru krqy sgl Gt pRiqpwlw ]
a(n)dhh koop thae oudhhar karathae sagal ghatt prathipaalaa ||
Please, rescue me from the deep, dark pit, O Creator, Cherisher of all hearts.

srin qyrI kit mhw byVI ieku nwmu dyih ADwrw ]
saran thaeree katt mehaa baerree eik naam dhaehi adhhaaraa ||
I seek Your Sanctuary; please, cut away these heavy bonds, and give me the Support of the One Name.

ibnvMq nwnk kr dyie rwKhu goibMd dIn dieAwrw ]4]
binava(n)th naanak kar dhaee raakhahu gobi(n)dh dheen dhaeiaaraa ||4||
Prays Nanak, please, give me Your Hand and save me, O Lord of the Universe, Merciful to the meek. ||4||

so idnu sPlu gixAw hir pRBU imlwieAw rwm ]
so dhin safal ganiaa har prabhoo milaaeiaa raam ||
That day is judged to be fruitful, when I merged with my Lord.

siB suK prgitAw duK dUir prwieAw rwm ]
sabh sukh paragattiaa dhukh dhoor paraaeiaa raam ||
Total happiness was revealed, and pain was taken far away.

suK shj And ibnod sd hI gun gupwl inq gweIAY ]
sukh sehaj anadh binodh sadh hee gun gupaal nith gaaeeai ||
Peace, tranquility, joy and eternal happiness come from constantly singing the Glorious Praises of the Sustainer of the World.

Bju swDsMgy imly rMgy bhuiV join n DweIAY ]
bhaj saadhhasa(n)gae milae ra(n)gae bahurr jon n dhhaaeeai ||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I lovingly remember the Lord; I shall not wander again in reincarnation.

gih kMiT lwey shij suBwey Awid AMkuru AwieAw ]
gehi ka(n)t(h) laaeae sehaj subhaaeae aadh a(n)kur aaeiaa ||
He has naturally hugged me close in His Loving Embrace, and the seed of my primal destiny has sprouted.

ibnvMq nwnk Awip imilAw bhuiV kqhU n jwieAw ]5]4]7]
binava(n)th naanak aap miliaa bahurr kathehoo n jaaeiaa ||5||4||7||
Prays Nanak, He Himself has met me, and He shall never again leave me. ||5||4||7||

This translation is an updated version.

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