This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 609
soriT mhlw 5 ]
sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehla:
guru pUrw ByitE vfBwgI mnih BieAw prgwsw ]
gur pooraa bhaettiou vaddabhaagee manehi bhaeiaa paragaasaa ||
I met the True Guru, by great good fortune, and my mind has been enlightened.
koie n phucnhwrw dUjw Apuny swihb kw Brvwsw ]1]
koe n pahuchanehaaraa dhoojaa apunae saahib kaa bharavaasaa ||1||
No one else can equal me, because I have the loving support of my Lord and Master. ||1||
Apuny siqgur kY bilhwrY ]
apunae sathigur kai balihaarai ||
I am a sacrifice to my True Guru.
AwgY suKu pwCY suK shjw Gir Awnµdu hmwrY ] rhwau ]
aagai sukh paashhai sukh sehajaa ghar aana(n)dh hamaarai || rehaao ||
I am at peace in this world, and I shall be in celestial peace in the next; my home is filled with bliss. ||Pause||
AMqrjwmI krxYhwrw soeI Ksmu hmwrw ]
a(n)tharajaamee karanaihaaraa soee khasam hamaaraa ||
He is the Inner-knower, the Searcher of hearts, the Creator, my Lord and Master.
inrBau Bey gur crxI lwgy iek rwm nwm AwDwrw ]2]
nirabho bheae gur charanee laagae eik raam naam aadhhaaraa ||2||
I have become fearless, attached to the Guru's feet; I take the Support of the Name of the One Lord. ||2||
sPl drsnu Akwl mUriq pRBu hY BI hovnhwrw ]
safal dharasan akaal moorath prabh hai bhee hovanehaaraa ||
Fruitful is the Blessed Vision of His Darshan; the Form of God is deathless; He is and shall always be.
kMiT lgwie Apuny jn rwKy ApunI pRIiq ipAwrw ]3]
ka(n)t(h) lagaae apunae jan raakhae apunee preeth piaaraa ||3||
He hugs His humble servants close, and protects and preserves them; their love for Him is sweet to Him. ||3||
vfI vifAweI Acrj soBw kwrju AwieAw rwsy ]
vaddee vaddiaaee acharaj sobhaa kaaraj aaeiaa raasae ||
Great is His glorious greatness, and wondrous is His magnificence; through Him, all affairs are resolved.
nwnk kau guru pUrw ByitE sgly dUK ibnwsy ]4]5]
naanak ko gur pooraa bhaettiou sagalae dhookh binaasae ||4||5||
Nanak has met with the Perfect Guru; all his sorrows have been dispelled. ||4||5||
This translation is an updated version.