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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Sukhie Kau Pekhe Sab Sukhiya Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Nanak Dukhia Sabh Sansar HSinghDCWale
06 - Harjinder Singh - Sukhiye Ko Pekhay Sabh Sukhiya Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Gun Gaavan Nit Tere HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 610

soriT mhlw 5 ]
sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehla:

suKIey kau pyKY sB suKIAw rogI kY BwxY sB rogI ]
sukheeeae ko paekhai sabh sukheeaa rogee kai bhaanai sabh rogee ||
To the happy person, everyone seems happy; to the sick person, everyone seems sick.

krx krwvnhwr suAwmI Awpn hwiQ sMjogI ]1]
karan karaavanehaar suaamee aapan haathh sa(n)jogee ||1||
The Lord and Master acts, and causes us to act; union is in His Hands. ||1||

mn myry ijin Apunw Brmu gvwqw ] iqs kY BwxY koie n BUlw ijin sglo bRhmu pCwqw ] rhwau ]
man maerae jin apunaa bharam gavaathaa || this kai bhaanai koe n bhoolaa jin sagalo breham pashhaathaa || rehaao ||
O my mind, no one appears to be mistaken, to one who has dispelled his own doubts; he realizes that everyone is God. ||Pause||

sMq sMig jw kw mnu sIqlu Ehu jwxY sglI TWFI ]
sa(n)th sa(n)g jaa kaa man seethal ouhu jaanai sagalee t(h)aa(n)dtee ||
One whose mind is comforted in the Society of the Saints, believes that all are joyful.

haumY roig jw kw mnu ibAwipq Ehu jnim mrY ibllwqI ]2]
houmai rog jaa kaa man biaapith ouhu janam marai bilalaathee ||2||
One whose mind is afflicted by the disease of egotism, cries out in birth and death. ||2||

igAwn AMjnu jw kI nyqRI piVAw qw kau srb pRgwsw ]
giaan a(n)jan jaa kee naethree parriaa thaa ko sarab pragaasaa ||
Everything is clear to one whose eyes are blessed with the ointment of spiritual wisdom.

AigAwin AMDyrY sUJis nwhI bhuiV bhuiV Brmwqw ]3]
agiaan a(n)dhhaerai soojhas naahee bahurr bahurr bharamaathaa ||3||
In the darkness of spiritual ignorance, he sees nothing at all; he wanders around in reincarnation, over and over again. ||3||

suix bynµqI suAwmI Apuny nwnku iehu suKu mwgY ]
sun baena(n)thee suaamee apunae naanak eihu sukh maagai ||
Hear my prayer, O Lord and Master; Nanak begs for this happiness:

jh kIrqnu qyrw swDU gwvih qh myrw mnu lwgY ]4]6]
jeh keerathan thaeraa saadhhoo gaavehi theh maeraa man laagai ||4||6||
whereever Your Holy Saints sing the Kirtan of Your Praises, let my mind be attached to that place. ||4||6||

This translation is an updated version.

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