This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 656
rwgu soriT ]
raag sorat(h) ||
Raag Sorat'h:
BUKy Bgiq n kIjY ]
bhookhae bhagath n keejai ||
I am so hungry, I cannot perform devotional worship service.
Xh mwlw ApnI lIjY ]
yeh maalaa apanee leejai ||
Here, Lord, take back Your mala.
hau mWgau sMqn rynw ]
ho maa(n)go sa(n)than raenaa ||
I beg for the dust of the feet of the Saints.
mY nwhI iksI kw dynw ]1]
mai naahee kisee kaa dhaenaa ||1||
I do not owe anyone anything. ||1||
mwDo kYsI bnY qum sMgy ]
maadhho kaisee banai thum sa(n)gae ||
O Lord, how can I be with You?
Awip n dyhu q lyvau mMgy ] rhwau ]
aap n dhaehu th laevo ma(n)gae || rehaao ||
If You do not give me Yourself, then I shall beg until I get You. ||Pause||
duie syr mWgau cUnw ]
dhue saer maa(n)go choonaa ||
I ask for two kilos of flour,
pwau GIau sMig lUnw ]
paao gheeo sa(n)g loonaa ||
and half a pound of ghee, and salt.
AD syru mWgau dwly ]
adhh saer maa(n)go dhaalae ||
I ask for a pound of beans,
mo kau donau vKq ijvwly ]2]
mo ko dhono vakhath jivaalae ||2||
which I shall eat twice a day. ||2||
Kwt mWgau caupweI ]
khaatt maa(n)go choupaaee ||
I ask for a cot, with four legs,
isrhwnw Avr qulweI ]
sirehaanaa avar thulaaee ||
and a pillow and mattress.
aUpr kau mWgau KINDw ]
oopar ko maa(n)go khee(n)adhhaa ||
I ask for a quit to cover myself.
qyrI Bgiq krY jnu QNĜIDw ]3]
thaeree bhagath karai jan thha(n)aeedhhaa ||3||
Your humble servant shall perform Your devotional worship service with love. ||3||
mY nwhI kIqw lbo ]
mai naahee keethaa labo ||
I have no greed;
ieku nwau qyrw mY Pbo ]
eik naao thaeraa mai fabo ||
Your Name is the only ornament I wish for.
kih kbIr mnu mwinAw ]
kehi kabeer man maaniaa ||
Says Kabeer, my mind is pleased and appeased;
mnu mwinAw qau hir jwinAw ]4]11]
man maaniaa tho har jaaniaa ||4||11||
now that my mind is pleased and appeased, I have come to know the Lord. ||4||11||