This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 671
DnwsrI mÚ 5 ]
dhhanaasaree ma 5 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla:
kir ikrpw dIE moih nwmw bMDn qy Cutkwey ]
kar kirapaa dheeou mohi naamaa ba(n)dhhan thae shhuttakaaeae ||
Granting His Grace, God has blessed me with His Name, and released me of my bonds.
mn qy ibsirE sglo DMDw gur kI crxI lwey ]1]
man thae bisariou sagalo dhha(n)dhhaa gur kee charanee laaeae ||1||
I have forgotten all worldly entanglements, and I am attached to the Guru's feet. ||1||
swDsMig icMq ibrwnI CwfI ]
saadhhasa(n)g chi(n)th biraanee shhaaddee ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have renounced my other cares and anxieties.
AhMbuiD moh mn bwsn dy kir gfhw gwfI ]1] rhwau ]
aha(n)budhh moh man baasan dhae kar gaddehaa gaaddee ||1|| rehaao ||
I dug a deep pit, and buried my egotistical pride, emotional attachment and the desires of my mind. ||1||Pause||
nw ko myrw dusmnu rihAw nw hm iks ky bYrweI ]
naa ko maeraa dhusaman rehiaa naa ham kis kae bairaaee ||
No one is my enemy, and I am no one's enemy.
bRhmu pswru pswirE BIqir siqgur qy soJI pweI ]2]
breham pasaar pasaariou bheethar sathigur thae sojhee paaee ||2||
God, who expanded His expanse, is within all; I learned this from the True Guru. ||2||
sBu ko mIqu hm Awpn kInw hm sBnw ky swjn ]
sabh ko meeth ham aapan keenaa ham sabhanaa kae saajan ||
I am a friend to all; I am everyone's friend.
dUir prwieE mn kw ibrhw qw mylu kIE myrY rwjn ]3]
dhoor paraaeiou man kaa birehaa thaa mael keeou maerai raajan ||3||
When the sense of separation was removed from my mind, then I was united with the Lord, my King. ||3||
ibnisE FITw AMimRqu vUTw sbdu lgo gur mITw ]
binasiou dteet(h)aa a(n)mrith voot(h)aa sabadh lago gur meet(h)aa ||
My stubbornness is gone, Ambrosial Nectar rains down, and the Word of the Guru's Shabad seems so sweet to me.
jil Qil mhIAil srb invwsI nwnk rmeIAw fITw ]4]3]
jal thhal meheeal sarab nivaasee naanak rameeaa ddeet(h)aa ||4||3||
He is pervading everywhere, in the water, on the land and in the sky; Nanak beholds the all-pervading Lord. ||4||3||
This translation is an updated version.