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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Anoop Singh - Pargh Ji Ko Nam Japatman Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Diwali Di Raat moneysingh


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 674

DnwsrI mhlw 5 ]
dhhanaasaree mehalaa 5 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla:

pUjw vrq iqlk iesnwnw puMn dwn bhu dYn ]
poojaa varath thilak eisanaanaa pu(n)n dhaan bahu dhain ||
Worship, fasting, ceremonial marks on one's forehead, cleansing baths, generous donations to charities and self-mortification

khUM n BIjY sMjm suAwmI bolih mITy bYn ]1]
kehoo(n) n bheejai sa(n)jam suaamee bolehi meet(h)ae bain ||1||
- the Lord Master is not pleased with any of these rituals, no matter how sweetly one may speak. ||1||

pRB jI ko nwmu jpq mn cYn ]
prabh jee ko naam japath man chain ||
Chanting the Name of God, the mind is soothed and pacified.

bhu pRkwr Kojih siB qw kau ibKmu n jweI lYn ]1] rhwau ]
bahu prakaar khojehi sabh thaa ko bikham n jaaee lain ||1|| rehaao ||
Everyone searches for Him in different ways, but the search is so difficult, and He cannot be found. ||1||Pause||

jwp qwp BRmn bsuDw kir aurD qwp lY gYn ]
jaap thaap bhraman basudhhaa kar ouradhh thaap lai gain ||
Chanting, deep meditation and penance, wandering over the face of the earth, the performance of austerities with the arms stretched up to the sky

ieh ibiD nh pqIAwno Twkur jog jugiq kir jYn ]2]
eih bidhh neh patheeaano t(h)aakur jog jugath kar jain ||2||
- the Lord is not pleased by any of these means, though one may follow the path of Yogis and Jains. ||2||

AMimRq nwmu inrmolku hir jsu iqin pwieE ijsu ikrpYn ]
a(n)mrith naam niramolak har jas thin paaeiou jis kirapain ||
The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of the Lord, and the Praises of the Lord are priceless; he alone obtains them, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy.

swDsMig rMig pRB Byty nwnk suiK jn rYn ]3]13]
saadhhasa(n)g ra(n)g prabh bhaettae naanak sukh jan rain ||3||13||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, Nanak lives in the Love of God; his life-night passes in peace. ||3||13||

This translation is an updated version.

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