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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Amrik Singh Zakhmi - Bandna Har Bandna Amrik Singh Zakhmi Vade Mere Sahiba moneysingh
05 - Niranjan Singh - Bandna Har Bandna Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Vadha Tera Darbar HSinghDCWale
03 - Harnam Singh - Bandana Har Bandana Gun Gaavo Gopal Rai Harnam Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Mere Sahiba HSinghDCWale
02 - Surinder Singh Jodhpuri - Bandana Har Bandana Gun Gavho Gopal Rai Surinder Singh Jodhpuri Bandana Har Bandana nihang


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 683

DnwsrI mhlw 5 Gru 12
dhhanaasaree mehalaa 5 ghar 12
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla, Twelfth House:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

bMdnw hir bMdnw gux gwvhu gopwl rwie ] rhwau ]
ba(n)dhanaa har ba(n)dhanaa gun gaavahu gopaal raae || rehaao ||
I bow in reverence to the Lord, I bow in reverence. I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, my King. ||Pause||

vfY Bwig Byty gurdyvw ]
vaddai bhaag bhaettae guradhaevaa ||
By great good fortune, one meets the Divine Guru.

koit prwD imty hir syvw ]1]
kott paraadhh mittae har saevaa ||1||
Millions of sins are erased by serving the Lord. ||1||

crn kml jw kw mnu rwpY ]
charan kamal jaa kaa man raapai ||
One whose mind is imbued with the Lord's lotus feet

sog Agin iqsu jn n ibAwpY ]2]
sog agan this jan n biaapai ||2||
is not afflicted by the fire of sorrow. ||2||

swgru qirAw swDU sMgy ]
saagar thariaa saadhhoo sa(n)gae ||
He crosses over the world-ocean in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.

inrBau nwmu jphu hir rMgy ]3]
nirabho naam japahu har ra(n)gae ||3||
He chants the Name of the Fearless Lord, and is imbued with the Lord's Love. ||3||

pr Dn doK ikCu pwp n PyVy ]
par dhhan dhokh kishh paap n faerrae ||
One who does not steal the wealth of others, who does not commit evil deeds or sinful acts

jm jMdwru n AwvY nyVy ]4]
jam ja(n)dhaar n aavai naerrae ||4||
- the Messenger of Death does not even approach him. ||4||

iqRsnw Agin pRiB Awip buJweI ]
thrisanaa agan prabh aap bujhaaee ||
God Himself quenches the fires of desire.

nwnk auDry pRB srxweI ]5]1]55]
naanak oudhharae prabh saranaaee ||5||1||55||
O Nanak, in God's Sanctuary, one is saved. ||5||1||55||

This translation is an updated version.

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