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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Anoop Singh - Har Joo Raakh Leho Par Meri Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Peearhey Din Chaar Hai HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji in Raag Jaithsree on Pannaa 703

jYqsrI mhlw 9 ]
jaithasaree mehalaa 9 ||
Jaitsree, Ninth Mehla:

hir jU rwiK lyhu piq myrI ]
har joo raakh laehu path maeree ||
O Dear Lord, please, save my honor!

jm ko qRws BieE aur AMqir srin ghI ikrpw iniD qyrI ]1] rhwau ]
jam ko thraas bhaeiou our a(n)thar saran gehee kirapaa nidhh thaeree ||1|| rehaao ||
The fear of death has entered my heart; I cling to the Protection of Your Sanctuary, O Lord, ocean of mercy. ||1||Pause||

mhw piqq mugD loBI Puin krq pwp Ab hwrw ]
mehaa pathith mugadhh lobhee fun karath paap ab haaraa ||
I am a great sinner, foolish and greedy; but now, at last, I have grown weary of committing sins.

BY mrby ko ibsrq nwihn iqh icMqw qnu jwrw ]1]
bhai marabae ko bisarath naahin thih chi(n)thaa than jaaraa ||1||
I cannot forget the fear of dying; this anxiety is consuming my body. ||1||

kIey aupwv mukiq ky kwrin dh idis kau auiT DwieAw ]
keeeae oupaav mukath kae kaaran dheh dhis ko out(h) dhhaaeiaa ||
I have been trying to liberate myself, running around in the ten directions.

Gt hI BIqir bsY inrMjnu qw ko mrmu n pwieAw ]2]
ghatt hee bheethar basai nira(n)jan thaa ko maram n paaeiaa ||2||
The pure, immaculate Lord abides deep within my heart, but I do not understand the secret of His mystery. ||2||

nwihn gunu nwihn kCu jpu qpu kaunu krmu Ab kIjY ]
naahin gun naahin kashh jap thap koun karam ab keejai ||
I have no merit, and I know nothing about meditation or austerities; what should I do now?

nwnk hwir pirE srnwgiq ABY dwnu pRB dIjY ]3]2]
naanak haar pariou saranaagath abhai dhaan prabh dheejai ||3||2||
O Nanak, I am exhausted; I seek the shelter of Your Sanctuary; O God, please bless me with the gift of fearlessness. ||3||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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