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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Anoop Singh - Har jas Re Mana Gaye Le Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Peearhey Din Chaar Hai HSinghDCWale
06 - Harjinder Singh - Har Jas Re Mana Gaye Le Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Jhoothi Dekhi Preet HSinghDCWale
06 - Joginder Singh Riar - Har Jas Le Mana Gayi Le Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Jagat Mein Jhoothi Dekhi Preet HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji in Raag Tilang on Pannaa 727

iqlµg mhlw 9 ]
thila(n)g mehalaa 9 ||
Tilang, Ninth Mehla:

hir jsu ry mnw gwie lY jo sMgI hY qyro ]
har jas rae manaa gaae lai jo sa(n)gee hai thaero ||
Sing the Lord's Praises, O mind; He is your only true companion.

Aausru bIiqE jwqu hY kihE mwn lY myro ]1] rhwau ]
aousar beethiou jaath hai kehiou maan lai maero ||1|| rehaao ||
Your time is passing away; listen carefully to what I say. ||1||Pause||

sMpiq rQ Dn rwj isau Aiq nyhu lgwieE ]
sa(n)path rathh dhhan raaj sio ath naehu lagaaeiou ||
You are so in love with property, chariots, wealth and power.

kwl Pws jb gil prI sB BieE prwieE ]1]
kaal faas jab gal paree sabh bhaeiou paraaeiou ||1||
When the noose of death tightens around your neck, they will all belong to others. ||1||

jwin bUJ kY bwvry qY kwju ibgwirE ]
jaan boojh kai baavarae thai kaaj bigaariou ||
Know this well, O madman - you have ruined your affairs.

pwp krq sukicE nhI nh grbu invwirE ]2]
paap karath sukachiou nehee neh garab nivaariou ||2||
You did not restrain yourself from committing sins, and you did not eradicate your ego. ||2||

ijh ibiD gur aupdyisAw so sunu ry BweI ]
jih bidhh gur oupadhaesiaa so sun rae bhaaee ||
So listen to the Teachings imparted by the Guru, O Siblings of Destiny.

nwnk khq pukwir kY ghu pRB srnweI ]3]3]
naanak kehath pukaar kai gahu prabh saranaaee ||3||3||
Nanak proclaims: hold tight to the Protection and the Sanctuary of God. ||3||3||

This translation is an updated version.

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