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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
08 - Anuradha Paudwal - Main Andh Anuradha Paudwal Jis Ke Seer Oopar Tu Swami HSinghDCWale
02 - Anoop Singh - Main Andhle Ki Tek Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Haun Dekha Darsan Tera Ram admin
05 - Wahe Guru Khalsa Kaur - Mai Andhule Ki Tek Wahe Guru Khalsa Kaur Sant Kee Chaal HSinghDCWale
04 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Main Andhule Ki Tek Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Nirgun Raakh Liya HSinghDCWale
Chand Afzaal Qawwal - Main Andhle Ki Tek Chand Afzaal Qawwal Aise Gur Ko Bal Bal Jayiye HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Naam Dev Ji in Raag Tilang on Pannaa 727

nwmdyv jI ]
naamadhaev jee ||
Naam Dayv Jee:

mY AMDuly kI tyk qyrw nwmu KuMdkwrw ]
mai a(n)dhhulae kee ttaek thaeraa naam khu(n)dhakaaraa ||
I am blind; Your Name, O Creator Lord, is my only anchor and support.

mY grIb mY mskIn qyrw nwmu hY ADwrw ]1] rhwau ]
mai gareeb mai masakeen thaeraa naam hai adhhaaraa ||1|| rehaao ||
I am poor, and I am meek. Your Name is my only support. ||1||Pause||

krImW rhImW Alwh qU gnNĜI ]
kareemaa(n) reheemaa(n) alaah thoo gana(n)aee ||
O beautiful Lord, benevolent and merciful Lord, You are so wealthy and generous.

hwjrw hjUir dir pyis qUM mnNĜI ]1]
haajaraa hajoor dhar paes thoo(n) mana(n)aee ||1||
You are ever-present in every presence, within and before me. ||1||

drIAwau qU idhMd qU ibsIAwr qU DnI ]
dhareeaao thoo dhiha(n)dh thoo biseeaar thoo dhhanee ||
You are the river of life, You are the Giver of all; You are so very wealthy.

dyih lyih eyku qUM idgr ko nhI ]2]
dhaehi laehi eaek thoo(n) dhigar ko nehee ||2||
You alone give, and You alone take away; there is no other at all. ||2||

qUM dwnW qUM bInW mY bIcwru ikAw krI ]
thoo(n) dhaanaa(n) thoo(n) beenaa(n) mai beechaar kiaa karee ||
You are wise, You are the supreme seer; how could I make You an object of thought?

nwmy cy suAwmI bKsMd qUM hrI ]3]1]2]
naamae chae suaamee bakhasa(n)dh thoo(n) haree ||3||1||2||
O Lord and Master of Naam Dayv, You are the merciful Lord of forgiveness. ||3||1||2||

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