This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 739
sUhI mhlw 5 ]
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
Soohee, Fifth Mehla:
jw kY dris pwp koit auqwry ]
jaa kai dharas paap kott outhaarae ||
By the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, millions of sins are erased.
Bytq sMig iehu Bvjlu qwry ]1]
bhaettath sa(n)g eihu bhavajal thaarae ||1||
Meeting with them, this terrifying world-ocean is crossed over||1||
Eie swjn Eie mIq ipAwry ]
oue saajan oue meeth piaarae ||
They are my companions, and they are my dear friends,
jo hm kau hir nwmu icqwry ]1] rhwau ]
jo ham ko har naam chithaarae ||1|| rehaao ||
who inspire me to remember the Lord's Name. ||1||Pause||
jw kw sbdu sunq suK swry ]
jaa kaa sabadh sunath sukh saarae ||
Hearing the Word of His Shabad, I am totally at peace.
jw kI thl jmdUq ibdwry ]2]
jaa kee ttehal jamadhooth bidhaarae ||2||
When I serve Him, the Messenger of Death is chased away. ||2||
jw kI DIrk iesu mnih sDwry ]
jaa kee dhheerak eis manehi sadhhaarae ||
His comfort and consolation soothes and supports my mind.
jw kY ismrix muK aujlwry ]3]
jaa kai simaran mukh oujalaarae ||3||
Remembering Him in meditation, my face is radiant and bright. ||3||
pRB ky syvk pRiB Awip svwry ]
prabh kae saevak prabh aap savaarae ||
God embellishes and supports His servants.
srix nwnk iqn@ sd bilhwry ]4]7]13]
saran naanak thinh sadh balihaarae ||4||7||13||
Nanak seeks the Protection of their Sanctuary; he is forever a sacrifice to them. ||4||7||13||
This translation is an updated version.