This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 745
sUhI mhlw 5 ]
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
Soohee, Fifth Mehla:
drsn kau locY sBu koeI ]
dharasan ko lochai sabh koee ||
Everyone longs for the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.
pUrY Bwig prwpiq hoeI ] rhwau ]
poorai bhaag paraapath hoee || rehaao ||
By perfect destiny, it is obtained. ||Pause||
isAwm suMdr qij nId ikau AweI ]
siaam su(n)dhar thaj needh kio aaee ||
Forsaking the Beautiful Lord, how can they go to sleep?
mhw mohnI dUqw lweI ]1]
mehaa mohanee dhoothaa laaee ||1||
The great enticer Maya has led them down the path of sin. ||1||
pRym ibCohw krq ksweI ]
praem bishhohaa karath kasaaee ||
This butcher has separated them from the Beloved Lord.
inrdY jMqu iqsu dieAw n pweI ]2]
niradhai ja(n)th this dhaeiaa n paaee ||2||
This merciless one shows no mercy at all to the poor beings. ||2||
Aink jnm bIqIAn BrmweI ]
anik janam beetheean bharamaaee ||
Countless lifetimes have passed away, wandering aimlessly.
Gir vwsu n dyvY duqr mweI ]3]
ghar vaas n dhaevai dhuthar maaee ||3||
The terrible, treacherous Maya does not even allow them to dwell in their own home. ||3||
idnu rYin Apnw kIAw pweI ]
dhin rain apanaa keeaa paaee ||
Day and night, they receive the rewards of their own actions.
iksu dosu n dIjY ikrqu BvweI ]4]
kis dhos n dheejai kirath bhavaaee ||4||
Don't blame anyone else; your own actions lead you astray. ||4||
suix swjn sMq jn BweI ]
sun saajan sa(n)th jan bhaaee ||
Listen, O Friend, O Saint, O humble Sibling of Destiny:
crx srx nwnk giq pweI ]5]34]40]
charan saran naanak gath paaee ||5||34||40||
in the Sanctuary of the Lord's Feet, Nanak has found Salvation. ||5||34||40||
This translation is an updated version.