This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 745
rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 Gru 4
raag soohee mehalaa 5 ghar 4
Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehla, Fourth House:
siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
BlI suhwvI CwprI jw mih gun gwey ]
bhalee suhaavee shhaaparee jaa mehi gun gaaeae ||
Even a crude hut is sublime and beautiful, if the Lord's Praises are sung within it.
ikq hI kwim n Daulhr ijqu hir ibsrwey ]1] rhwau ]
kith hee kaam n dhhoulehar jith har bisaraaeae ||1|| rehaao ||
Those mansions where the Lord is forgotten are useless. ||1||Pause||
Andu grIbI swDsMig ijqu pRB iciq Awey ]
anadh gareebee saadhhasa(n)g jith prabh chith aaeae ||
Even poverty is bliss, if God comes to mind in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
jil jwau eyhu bfpnw mwieAw lptwey ]1]
jal jaao eaehu baddapanaa maaeiaa lapattaaeae ||1||
This worldly glory might just as well burn; it only traps the mortals in Maya. ||1||
pIsnu pIis EiF kwmrI suKu mnu sMqoKwey ]
peesan pees oudt kaamaree sukh man sa(n)thokhaaeae ||
One may have to grind corn, and wear a coarse blanket, but still, one can find peace of mind and contentment.
AYso rwju n ikqY kwij ijqu nh iqRpqwey ]2]
aiso raaj n kithai kaaj jith neh thripathaaeae ||2||
Even empires are of no use at all, if they do not bring satisfaction. ||2||
ngn iPrq rMig eyk kY Ehu soBw pwey ]
nagan firath ra(n)g eaek kai ouhu sobhaa paaeae ||
Someone may wander around naked, but if he loves the One Lord, he receives honor and respect.
pwt ptMbr ibriQAw ijh ric loBwey ]3]
paatt patta(n)bar birathhiaa jih rach lobhaaeae ||3||
Silk and satin clothes are worthless, if they lead to greed. ||3||
sBu ikCu qum@rY hwiQ pRB Awip kry krwey ]
sabh kishh thumharai haathh prabh aap karae karaaeae ||
Everything is in Your Hands, God. You Yourself are the Doer, the Cause of causes.
swis swis ismrq rhw nwnk dwnu pwey ]4]1]41]
saas saas simarath rehaa naanak dhaan paaeae ||4||1||41||
With each and every breath, may I continue to remember You. Please, bless Nanak with this gift. ||4||1||41||
This translation is an updated version.