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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Mujh Te Kachhu Na Hoi Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Dubidha Door Karho HSinghDCWale
03 - Davinder Singh Sodhi - Mitha Lage Tera Bhana Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale) Sabar Santokh admin


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 748

sUhI mhlw 5 ]
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
Soohee, Fifth Mehla:

jb kCu n sIE qb ikAw krqw kvn krm kir AwieAw ]
jab kashh n seeou thab kiaa karathaa kavan karam kar aaeiaa ||
When nothing existed, what deeds were being done? And what karma caused anyone to be born at all?

Apnw Kylu Awip kir dyKY Twkuir rcnu rcwieAw ]1]
apanaa khael aap kar dhaekhai t(h)aakur rachan rachaaeiaa ||1||
The Lord Himself set His play in motion, and He Himself beholds it. He created the Creation. ||1||

myry rwm rwie muJ qy kCU n hoeI ]
maerae raam raae mujh thae kashhoo n hoee ||
O my Sovereign Lord, I cannot do anything at all by myself.

Awpy krqw Awip krwey srb inrMqir soeI ]1] rhwau ]
aapae karathaa aap karaaeae sarab nira(n)thar soee ||1|| rehaao ||
He Himself is the Creator, He Himself is the Cause. He is pervading deep within all. ||1||Pause||

gxqI gxI n CUtY kqhU kwcI dyh ieAwxI ]
ganathee ganee n shhoottai kathehoo kaachee dhaeh eiaanee ||
If my account were to be judged, I would never be saved. My body is transitory and ignorant.

ik®pw krhu pRB krxYhwry qyrI bKs inrwlI ]2]
kirapaa karahu prabh karanaihaarae thaeree bakhas niraalee ||2||
Take pity upon me, O Creator Lord God; Your Forgiving Grace is singular and unique. ||2||

jIA jMq sB qyry kIqy Git Git quhI iDAweIAY ]
jeea ja(n)th sabh thaerae keethae ghatt ghatt thuhee dhhiaaeeai ||
You created all beings and creatures. Each and every heart meditates on You.

qyrI giq imiq qUhY jwxih kudriq kIm n pweIAY ]3]
thaeree gath mith thoohai jaanehi kudharath keem n paaeeai ||3||
Your condition and expanse are known only to You; the value of Your creative omnipotence cannot be estimated. ||3||

inrguxu mugDu Ajwxu AigAwnI krm Drm nhI jwxw ]
niragun mugadhh ajaan agiaanee karam dhharam nehee jaanaa ||
I am worthless, foolish, thoughtless and ignorant. I know nothing about good actions and righteous living.

dieAw krhu nwnku gux gwvY imTw lgY qyrw Bwxw ]4]6]53]
dhaeiaa karahu naanak gun gaavai mit(h)aa lagai thaeraa bhaanaa ||4||6||53||
Take pity on Nanak, that he may sing Your Glorious Praises; and that Your Will may seem sweet to him. ||4||6||53||

This translation is an updated version.

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