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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Kamaljeet Singh - Aavoh Meet Pyare Mangal Gaavo Naare Kamaljeet Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Anand Bhaya Vadh Bhagiyo makkarjs


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 764

rwgu sUhI mhlw 1 CMqu Gru 2
raag soohee mehalaa 1 shha(n)th ghar 2
Raag Soohee, First Mehla, Chhant, Second House:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hm Gir swjn Awey ]
ham ghar saajan aaeae ||
My friends have come into my home.

swcY myil imlwey ]
saachai mael milaaeae ||
The True Lord has united me with them.

shij imlwey hir min Bwey pMc imly suKu pwieAw ]
sehaj milaaeae har man bhaaeae pa(n)ch milae sukh paaeiaa ||
The Lord automatically united me with them when it pleased Him; uniting with the chosen ones, I have found peace.

sweI vsqu prwpiq hoeI ijsu syqI mnu lwieAw ]
saaee vasath paraapath hoee jis saethee man laaeiaa ||
I have obtained that thing, which my mind desired.

Anidnu mylu BieAw mnu mwinAw Gr mMdr sohwey ]
anadhin mael bhaeiaa man maaniaa ghar ma(n)dhar sohaaeae ||
Meeting with them, night and day, my mind is pleased; my home and mansion are beautified.

pMc sbd Duin Anhd vwjy hm Gir swjn Awey ]1]
pa(n)ch sabadh dhhun anehadh vaajae ham ghar saajan aaeae ||1||
The unstruck sound current of the Panch Shabad, the Five Primal Sounds, vibrates and resounds; my friends have come into my home. ||1||

Awvhu mIq ipAwry ] mMgl gwvhu nwry ]
aavahu meeth piaarae || ma(n)gal gaavahu naarae ||
So come, my beloved friends, and sing the songs of joy, O sisters.

scu mMglu gwvhu qw pRB Bwvhu soihlVw jug cwry ]
sach ma(n)gal gaavahu thaa prabh bhaavahu sohilarraa jug chaarae ||
Sing the true songs of joy and God will be pleased. You shall be celebrated throughout the four ages.

ApnY Gir AwieAw Qwin suhwieAw kwrj sbid svwry ]
apanai ghar aaeiaa thhaan suhaaeiaa kaaraj sabadh savaarae ||
My Husband Lord has come into my home, and my place is adorned and decorated. Through the Shabad, my affairs have been resolved.

igAwn mhw rsu nyqRI AMjnu iqRBvx rUpu idKwieAw ]
giaan mehaa ras naethree a(n)jan thribhavan roop dhikhaaeiaa ||
Applying the ointment, the supreme essence, of divine wisdom to my eyes, I see the Lord's form throughout the three worlds.

sKI imlhu ris mMglu gwvhu hm Gir swjnu AwieAw ]2]
sakhee milahu ras ma(n)gal gaavahu ham ghar saajan aaeiaa ||2||
So join with me, my sisters, and sing the songs of joy and delight; my friends have come into my home. ||2||

mnu qnu AMimRiq iBMnw ]
man than a(n)mrith bhi(n)naa ||
My mind and body are drenched with Ambrosial Nectar;

AMqir pRymu rqMnw ]
a(n)thar praem ratha(n)naa ||
deep within the nucleus of my self, is the jewel of the Lord's Love.

AMqir rqnu pdwrQu myrY prm qqu vIcwro ]
a(n)thar rathan padhaarathh maerai param thath veechaaro ||
This invaluable jewel is deep within me; I contemplate the supreme essence of reality.

jMq ByK qU sPilE dwqw isir isir dyvxhwro ]
ja(n)th bhaekh thoo safaliou dhaathaa sir sir dhaevanehaaro ||
Living beings are mere beggars; You are the Giver of rewards; You are the Giver to each and every being.

qU jwnu igAwnI AMqrjwmI Awpy kwrxu kInw ]
thoo jaan giaanee a(n)tharajaamee aapae kaaran keenaa ||
You are Wise and All-knowing, the Inner-knower; You Yourself created the creation.

sunhu sKI mnu mohin moihAw qnu mnu AMimRiq BInw ]3]
sunahu sakhee man mohan mohiaa than man a(n)mrith bheenaa ||3||
So listen, O my sisters - the Enticer has enticed my mind. My body and mind are drenched with Nectar. ||3||

Awqm rwmu sMswrw ]
aatham raam sa(n)saaraa ||
O Supreme Soul of the World,

swcw Kylu qum@wrw ]
saachaa khael thumhaaraa ||
Your play is true.

scu Kylu qum@wrw Agm Apwrw quDu ibnu kauxu buJwey ]
sach khael thumhaaraa agam apaaraa thudhh bin koun bujhaaeae ||
Your play is true, O Inaccessible and Infinite Lord; without You, who can make me understand?

isD swiDk isAwxy kyqy quJ ibnu kvxu khwey ]
sidhh saadhhik siaanae kaethae thujh bin kavan kehaaeae ||
There are millions of Siddhas and enlightened seekers, but without You, who can call himself one?

kwlu ibkwlu Bey dyvwny mnu rwiKAw guir Twey ]
kaal bikaal bheae dhaevaanae man raakhiaa gur t(h)aaeae ||
Death and rebirth drive the mind insane; only the Guru can hold it in its place.

nwnk Avgx sbid jlwey gux sMgim pRBu pwey ]4]1]2]
naanak avagan sabadh jalaaeae gun sa(n)gam prabh paaeae ||4||1||2||
O Nanak, one who burns away his demerits and faults with the Shabad, accumulates virtue, and finds God. ||4||1||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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