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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Ravinder Singh - Guru Sant Jano Pyara Main Milya Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Aakha Jeeva Visrei Mar Jaau makkarjs
01 - Ravinder Singh - Gur Sundar Mohan Paye Kare Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) War War Jayee Lakh Wariya nihang
02 - Harcharan Singh Khalsa - Gur Sant Jano Pyara Harcharan Singh Khalsa (Ludhiana) Aape Naam Japave makkarjs
01 - Ravinder Singh - Gur Sundar Mohan Paye Kare Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Gur Sundar Mohan Paye Kare inderjit06


This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 776

sUhI mhlw 4 Gru 5
soohee mehalaa 4 ghar 5
Soohee, Fourth Mehla, Fifth House:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

guru sMq jno ipAwrw mY imilAw myrI iqRsnw buiJ geIAwsy ]
gur sa(n)th jano piaaraa mai miliaa maeree thrisanaa bujh geeaasae ||
O humble Saints, I have met my Beloved Guru; the fire of my desire is quenched, and my yearning is gone.

hau mnu qnu dyvw siqgurY mY myly pRB guxqwsy ]
ho man than dhaevaa sathigurai mai maelae prabh gunathaasae ||
I dedicate my mind and body to the True Guru; I pray that may He unite me with God, the treasure of virtue.

Dnu DMnu gurU vf purKu hY mY dsy hir swbwsy ]
dhhan dhha(n)n guroo vadd purakh hai mai dhasae har saabaasae ||
Blessed, blessed is the Guru, the Supreme Being, who tells me of the most blessed Lord.

vfBwgI hir pwieAw jn nwnk nwim ivgwsy ]1]
vaddabhaagee har paaeiaa jan naanak naam vigaasae ||1||
By great good fortune, servant Nanak has found the Lord; he blossoms forth in the Naam. ||1||

guru sjxu ipAwrw mY imilAw hir mwrgu pMQu dswhw ]
gur sajan piaaraa mai miliaa har maarag pa(n)thh dhasaahaa ||
I have met my Beloved Friend, the Guru, who has shown me the Path to the Lord.

Gir Awvhu icrI ivCuMinAw imlu sbid gurU pRB nwhw ]
ghar aavahu chiree vishhu(n)niaa mil sabadh guroo prabh naahaa ||
Come home - I have been separated from You for so long! Please, let me merge with You, through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, O my Lord God.

hau quJu bwJhu KrI aufIxIAw ijau jl ibnu mInu mrwhw ]
ho thujh baajhahu kharee ouddeeneeaa jio jal bin meen maraahaa ||
Without You, I am so sad; like a fish out of water, I shall die.

vfBwgI hir iDAwieAw jn nwnk nwim smwhw ]2]
vaddabhaagee har dhhiaaeiaa jan naanak naam samaahaa ||2||
The very fortunate ones meditate on the Lord; servant Nanak merges into the Naam. ||2||

mnu dh idis cil cil BrimAw mnmuKu Brim BulwieAw ]
man dheh dhis chal chal bharamiaa manamukh bharam bhulaaeiaa ||
The mind runs around in the ten directions; the self-willed manmukh wanders around, deluded by doubt.

inq Awsw min icqvY mn iqRsnw BuK lgwieAw ]
nith aasaa man chithavai man thrisanaa bhukh lagaaeiaa ||
In his mind, he continually conjures up hopes; his mind is gripped by hunger and thirst.

Anqw Dnu Dir dibAw iPir ibKu Bwlx gieAw ]
anathaa dhhan dhhar dhabiaa fir bikh bhaalan gaeiaa ||
There is an infinite treasure buried within the mind, but still, he goes out, searching for poison.

jn nwnk nwmu slwih qU ibnu nwvY pic pic muieAw ]3]
jan naanak naam salaahi thoo bin naavai pach pach mueiaa ||3||
O servant Nanak, praise the Naam, the Name of the Lord; without the Name, he rots away, and wastes away to death. ||3||

guru suMdru mohnu pwie kry hir pRym bwxI mnu mwirAw ]
gur su(n)dhar mohan paae karae har praem baanee man maariaa ||
Finding the beautiful and fascinating Guru, I have conquered my mind, through the Bani, the Word of my Beloved Lord.

myrY ihrdY suiD buiD ivsir geI mn Awsw icMq ivswirAw ]
maerai hiradhai sudhh budhh visar gee man aasaa chi(n)th visaariaa ||
My heart has forgotten its common sense and wisdom; my mind has forgotten its hopes and cares.

mY AMqir vydn pRym kI gur dyKq mnu swDwirAw ]
mai a(n)thar vaedhan praem kee gur dhaekhath man saadhhaariaa ||
Deep within my self, I feel the pains of divine love. Beholding the Guru, my mind is comforted and consoled.

vfBwgI pRB Awie imlu jnu nwnku iKnu iKnu vwirAw ]4]1]5]
vaddabhaagee prabh aae mil jan naanak khin khin vaariaa ||4||1||5||
Awaken my good destiny, O God - please, come and meet me! Each and every instant, servant Nanak is a sacrifice to You. ||4||1||5||

This translation is an updated version.

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