This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 780
sUhI mhlw 5 ]
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
Soohee, Fifth Mehla:
kir ikrpw myry pRIqm suAwmI nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw rwm ]
kar kirapaa maerae preetham suaamee naethr dhaekhehi dharas thaeraa raam ||
Be Merciful, O my Beloved Lord and Master, that I may behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan with my eyes.
lwK ijhvw dyhu myry ipAwry muKu hir AwrwDy myrw rwm ]
laakh jihavaa dhaehu maerae piaarae mukh har aaraadhhae maeraa raam ||
Please bless me, O my Beloved, with thousands of tongues, to worship and adore You with my mouth, O Lord.
hir AwrwDy jm pMQu swDy dUKu n ivAwpY koeI ]
har aaraadhhae jam pa(n)thh saadhhae dhookh n viaapai koee ||
Worshipping the Lord in adoration, the Path of Death is overcome, and no pain or suffering will afflict you.
jil Qil mhIAil pUrn suAwmI jq dyKw qq soeI ]
jal thhal meheeal pooran suaamee jath dhaekhaa thath soee ||
The Lord and Master is pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; wherever I look, there He is.
Brm moh ibkwr nwTy pRBu nyr hU qy nyrw ]
bharam moh bikaar naat(h)ae prabh naer hoo thae naeraa ||
Doubt, attachment and corruption are gone. God is the nearest of the near.
nwnk kau pRB ikrpw kIjY nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw ]1]
naanak ko prabh kirapaa keejai naethr dhaekhehi dharas thaeraa ||1||
Please bless Nanak with Your Merciful Grace, O God, that his eyes may behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||
koit krn dIjih pRB pRIqm hir gux suxIAih AibnwsI rwm ]
kott karan dheejehi prabh preetham har gun suneeahi abinaasee raam ||
Please bless me, O Beloved God, with millions of ears, with which I may hear the Glorious Praises of the Imperishable Lord.
suix suix iehu mnu inrmlu hovY ktIAY kwl kI PwsI rwm ]
sun sun eihu man niramal hovai katteeai kaal kee faasee raam ||
Listening, listening to these, this mind becomes spotless and pure, and the noose of Death is cut.
ktIAY jm PwsI ismir AibnwsI sgl mMgl suigAwnw ]
katteeai jam faasee simar abinaasee sagal ma(n)gal sugiaanaa ||
The noose of Death is cut, meditating on the Imperishable Lord, and all happiness and wisdom are obtained.
hir hir jpu jpIAY idnu rwqI lwgY shij iDAwnw ]
har har jap japeeai dhin raathee laagai sehaj dhhiaanaa ||
Chant, and meditate, day and night, on the Lord, Har, Har. Focus your meditation on the Celestial Lord.
klml duK jwry pRBU icqwry mn kI durmiq nwsI ]
kalamal dhukh jaarae prabhoo chithaarae man kee dhuramath naasee ||
The painful sins are burnt away, by keeping God in one's thoughts; evil-mindedness is erased.
khu nwnk pRB ikrpw kIjY hir gux suxIAih AivnwsI ]2]
kahu naanak prabh kirapaa keejai har gun suneeahi avinaasee ||2||
Says Nanak, O God, please be Merciful to me, that I may listen to Your Glorious Praises, O Imperishable Lord. ||2||
kroiV hsq qyrI thl kmwvih crx clih pRB mwrig rwm ]
karorr hasath thaeree ttehal kamaavehi charan chalehi prabh maarag raam ||
Please give me millions of hands to serve You, God, and let my feet walk on Your Path.
Bv swgr nwv hir syvw jo cVY iqsu qwrig rwm ]
bhav saagar naav har saevaa jo charrai this thaarag raam ||
Service to the Lord is the boat to carry us across the terrifying world-ocean.
Bvjlu qirAw hir hir ismirAw sgl mnorQ pUry ]
bhavajal thariaa har har simariaa sagal manorathh poorae ||
So cross over the terrifying world-ocean, meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har; all wishes shall be fulfilled.
mhw ibkwr gey suK aupjy bwjy Anhd qUry ]
mehaa bikaar geae sukh oupajae baajae anehadh thoorae ||
Even the worst corruption is taken away; peace wells up, and the unstruck celestial harmony vibrates and resounds.
mn bWCq Pl pwey sgly kudriq kIm Apwrig ]
man baa(n)shhath fal paaeae sagalae kudharath keem apaarag ||
All the fruits of the mind's desires are obtained; His creative power is infinitely valuable.
khu nwnk pRB ikrpw kIjY mnu sdw clY qyrY mwrig ]3]
kahu naanak prabh kirapaa keejai man sadhaa chalai thaerai maarag ||3||
Says Nanak, please be Merciful to me, God, that my mind may follow Your Path forever. ||3||
eyho vru eyhw vifAweI iehu Dnu hoie vfBwgw rwm ]
eaeho var eaehaa vaddiaaee eihu dhhan hoe vaddabhaagaa raam ||
This opportunity, this glorious greatness, this blessing and wealth, come by great good fortune.
eyho rMgu eyho rs Bogw hir crxI mnu lwgw rwm ]
eaeho ra(n)g eaeho ras bhogaa har charanee man laagaa raam ||
These pleasures, these delightful enjoyments, come when my mind is attached to the Lord's Feet.
mnu lwgw crxy pRB kI srxy krx kwrx gopwlw ]
man laagaa charanae prabh kee saranae karan kaaran gopaalaa ||
My mind is attached to God's Feet; I seek His Sanctuary. He is the Creator, the Cause of causes, the Cherisher of the world.
sBu ikCu qyrw qU pRBu myrw myry Twkur dIn dieAwlw ]
sabh kishh thaeraa thoo prabh maeraa maerae t(h)aakur dheen dhaeiaalaa ||
Everything is Yours; You are my God, O my Lord and Master, Merciful to the meek.
moih inrgux pRIqm suK swgr sMqsMig mnu jwgw ]
mohi niragun preetham sukh saagar sa(n)thasa(n)g man jaagaa ||
I am worthless, O my Beloved, ocean of peace. In the Saints' Congregation, my mind is awakened.
khu nwnk pRiB ikrpw kIn@I crx kml mnu lwgw ]4]3]6]
kahu naanak prabh kirapaa keenhee charan kamal man laagaa ||4||3||6||
Says Nanak, God has been Merciful to me; my mind is attached to His Lotus Feet. ||4||3||6||
This translation is an updated version.