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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Avtar Singh Ragi - Har Key Loga Mo Kou (Raag Soohi, Panj Taal) Avtar Singh Ragi Gurbani Keertan Parampara Wirsa Vol 3 HSinghDCWale
01 - Harjinder Singh - Kirpa Karho Deen Ke Daate Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Kirpa Karo Hum Deen Ke Daate admin


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 793

sUhI lilq kbIr jIau ]
soohee lalith kabeer jeeo ||
Soohee, Lalit, Kabeer Jee:

eyku kotu pMc iskdwrw pMcy mwgih hwlw ]
eaek kott pa(n)ch sikadhaaraa pa(n)chae maagehi haalaa ||
In the one fortress of the body, there are five rulers, and all five demand payment of taxes.

ijmI nwhI mY iksI kI boeI AYsw dynu duKwlw ]1]
jimee naahee mai kisee kee boee aisaa dhaen dhukhaalaa ||1||
I have not farmed anyone's land, so such payment is difficult for me to pay. ||1||

hir ky logw mo kau nIiq fsY ptvwrI ]
har kae logaa mo ko neeth ddasai pattavaaree ||
O people of the Lord, the tax-collector is constantly torturing me!

aUpir Bujw kir mY gur pih pukwirAw iqin hau lIAw aubwrI ]1] rhwau ]
oopar bhujaa kar mai gur pehi pukaariaa thin ho leeaa oubaaree ||1|| rehaao ||
Raising my arms up, I complained to my Guru, and He has saved me. ||1||Pause||

nau fwfI ds muMsP Dwvih reIAiq bsn n dyhI ]
no ddaaddee dhas mu(n)saf dhhaavehi reeath basan n dhaehee ||
The nine tax-assessors and the ten magistrates go out; they do not allow their subjects to live in peace.

forI pUrI mwpih nwhI bhu ibstwlw lyhI ]2]
ddoree pooree maapehi naahee bahu bisattaalaa laehee ||2||
They do not measure with a full tape, and they take huge amounts in bribes. ||2||

bhqir Gr ieku purKu smwieAw auin dIAw nwmu ilKweI ]
behathar ghar eik purakh samaaeiaa oun dheeaa naam likhaaee ||
The One Lord is contained in the seventy-two chambers of the body, and He has written off my account.

Drm rwie kw dPqru soiDAw bwkI irjm n kweI ]3]
dhharam raae kaa dhafathar sodhhiaa baakee rijam n kaaee ||3||
The records of the Righteous Judge of Dharma have been searched, and I owe absolutely nothing. ||3||

sMqw kau miq koeI inMdhu sMq rwmu hY eykuo ]
sa(n)thaa ko math koee ni(n)dhahu sa(n)th raam hai eaekuo ||
Let no one slander the Saints, because the Saints and the Lord are as one.

khu kbIr mY so guru pwieAw jw kw nwau ibbykuo ]4]5]
kahu kabeer mai so gur paaeiaa jaa kaa naao bibaekuo ||4||5||
Says Kabeer, I have found that Guru, whose Name is Clear Understanding. ||4||5||

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