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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
06 - Harjinder Singh - Partap Tumhara Dekh Ke Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Simar Manaa Ram Naam Chitare HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 811

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]
bilaaval mehalaa 5 ||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla:

kIqw loVih so krih quJ ibnu kCu nwih ]
keethaa lorrehi so karehi thujh bin kashh naahi ||
Whatever You wish, You do. Without You, there is nothing.

prqwpu qum@wrw dyiK kY jmdUq Cif jwih ]1]
parathaap thumhaaraa dhaekh kai jamadhooth shhadd jaahi ||1||
Gazing upon Your Glory, the Messenger of Death leaves and goes away. ||1||

qum@rI ik®pw qy CUtIAY ibnsY AhMmyv ]
thumharee kirapaa thae shhootteeai binasai aha(n)maev ||
By Your Grace, one is emancipated, and egotism is dispelled.

srb klw smrQ pRB pUry gurdyv ]1] rhwau ]
sarab kalaa samarathh prabh poorae guradhaev ||1|| rehaao ||
God is omnipotent, possessing all powers; He is obtained through the Perfect, Divine Guru. ||1||Pause||

Kojq Kojq KoijAw nwmY ibnu kUru ]
khojath khojath khojiaa naamai bin koor ||
Searching, searching, searching - without the Naam, everything is false.

jIvn suKu sBu swDsMig pRB mnsw pUru ]2]
jeevan sukh sabh saadhhasa(n)g prabh manasaa poor ||2||
All the comforts of life are found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy; God is the Fulfiller of desires. ||2||

ijqu ijqu lwvhu iqqu iqqu lgih isAwnp sB jwlI ]
jith jith laavahu thith thith lagehi siaanap sabh jaalee ||
Whatever You attach me to, to that I am attached; I have burnt away all my cleverness.

jq kq qum@ BrpUr hhu myry dIn dieAwlI ]3]
jath kath thumh bharapoor hahu maerae dheen dhaeiaalee ||3||
You are permeating and pervading everywhere, O my Lord, Merciful to the meek. ||3||

sBu ikCu qum qy mwgnw vfBwgI pwey ]
sabh kishh thum thae maaganaa vaddabhaagee paaeae ||
I ask for everything from You, but only the very fortunate ones obtain it.

nwnk kI Ardwis pRB jIvw gun gwey ]4]12]42]
naanak kee aradhaas prabh jeevaa gun gaaeae ||4||12||42||
This is Nanak's prayer, O God, I live by singing Your Glorious Praises. ||4||12||42||

This translation is an updated version.

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