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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Kab Dekho Prabh Apna Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Oe Sajan Oe Meet Pyaare HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 816

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]
bilaaval mehalaa 5 ||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla:

Kojq Kojq mY iPrw Kojau bn Qwn ]
khojath khojath mai firaa khojo ban thhaan ||
Searching, searching, I wander around searching, in the woods and other places.

ACl ACyd AByd pRB AYsy Bgvwn ]1]
ashhal ashhaedh abhaedh prabh aisae bhagavaan ||1||
He is undeceivable, imperishable, inscrutable; such is my Lord God. ||1||

kb dyKau pRBu Awpnw Awqm kY rMig ]
kab dhaekho prabh aapanaa aatham kai ra(n)g ||
When shall I behold my God, and delight my soul?

jwgn qy supnw Blw bsIAY pRB sMig ]1] rhwau ]
jaagan thae supanaa bhalaa baseeai prabh sa(n)g ||1|| rehaao ||
Even better than being awake, is the dream in which I dwell with God. ||1||Pause||

brn AwsRm swsqR sunau drsn kI ipAws ]
baran aasram saasathr suno dharasan kee piaas ||
Listening to the Shaastras teaching about the four social classes and the four stages of life, I grow thirsty for the Blessed Vision of the Lord.

rUpu n ryK n pMc qq Twkur Aibnws ]2]
roop n raekh n pa(n)ch thath t(h)aakur abinaas ||2||
He has no form or outline, and He is not made of the five elements; our Lord and Master is imperishable. ||2||

Ehu srUpu sMqn khih ivrly jogIsur ]
ouhu saroop sa(n)than kehehi viralae jogeesur ||
How rare are those Saints and great Yogis, who describe the beautiful form of the Lord.

kir ikrpw jw kau imly Din Din qy eIsur ]3]
kar kirapaa jaa ko milae dhhan dhhan thae eesur ||3||
Blessed, blessed are they, whom the Lord meets in His Mercy. ||3||

so AMqir so bwhry ibnsy qh Brmw ]
so a(n)thar so baaharae binasae theh bharamaa ||
They know that He is deep within, and outside as well; their doubts are dispelled.

nwnk iqsu pRBu ByitAw jw ky pUrn krmw ]4]31]61]
naanak this prabh bhaettiaa jaa kae pooran karamaa ||4||31||61||
O Nanak, God meets those, whose karma is perfect. ||4||31||61||

This translation is an updated version.

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