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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Jaspinder Narula - Apne Sewak Kou Kabhu Jaspinder Narula Sabhe Ghat Raam Bole amitojsinghmalik
05 - Niranjan Singh - Aapne Sewak Ko Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Tu Mero Piyaro HSinghDCWale
01 - Surinder Singh Jodhpuri - Apne Sewak Kou Kabhu Na Bisaarho Surinder Singh Jodhpuri Apne Sewak Kou Kabhu Na Bisarho nihang


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 829

iblwvlu mhlw 5 ]
bilaaval mehalaa 5 ||
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla:

Apny syvk kau kbhu n ibswrhu ]
apanae saevak ko kabahu n bisaarahu ||
Never forget Your servant, O Lord.

auir lwghu suAwmI pRB myry pUrb pRIiq goibMd bIcwrhu ]1] rhwau ]
our laagahu suaamee prabh maerae poorab preeth gobi(n)dh beechaarahu ||1|| rehaao ||
Hug me close in Your embrace, O God, my Lord and Master; consider my primal love for You, O Lord of the Universe. ||1||Pause||

piqq pwvn pRB ibrdu qum@wro hmry doK irdY mq Dwrhu ]
pathith paavan prabh biradh thumhaaro hamarae dhokh ridhai math dhhaarahu ||
It is Your Natural Way, God, to purify sinners; please do not keep my errors in Your Heart.

jIvn pRwn hir Dnu suKu qum hI haumY ptlu ik®pw kir jwrhu ]1]
jeevan praan har dhhan sukh thum hee houmai pattal kirapaa kar jaarahu ||1||
You are my life, my breath of life, O Lord, my wealth and peace; be merciful to me, and burn away the curtain of egotism. ||1||

jl ibhUn mIn kq jIvn dUD ibnw rhnu kq bwro ]
jal bihoon meen kath jeevan dhoodhh binaa rehan kath baaro ||
Without water, how can the fish survive? Without milk, how can the baby survive?

jn nwnk ipAws crn kmln@ kI pyiK drsu suAwmI suK swro ]2]7]123]
jan naanak piaas charan kamalanh kee paekh dharas suaamee sukh saaro ||2||7||123||
Servant Nanak thirsts for the Lord's Lotus Feet; gazing upon the Blessed Vision of his Lord and Master's Darshan, he finds the essence of peace. ||2||7||123||

This translation is an updated version.

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