This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 855
iblwvlu ]
bilaaval ||
igRhu qij bn KMf jweIAY cuin KweIAY kMdw ]
grihu thaj ban kha(n)dd jaaeeai chun khaaeeai ka(n)dhaa ||
Abandoning his household, he may go to the forest, and live by eating roots;
Ajhu ibkwr n CofeI pwpI mnu mMdw ]1]
ajahu bikaar n shhoddee paapee man ma(n)dhaa ||1||
but even so, his sinful, evil mind does not renounce corruption. ||1||
ikau CUtau kYsy qrau Bvjl iniD BwrI ]
kio shhootto kaisae tharo bhavajal nidhh bhaaree ||
How can anyone be saved? How can anyone cross over the terrifying world-ocean?
rwKu rwKu myry bITulw jnu srin qum@wrI ]1] rhwau ]
raakh raakh maerae beet(h)ulaa jan saran thumhaaree ||1|| rehaao ||
Save me, save me, O my Lord! Your humble servant seeks Your Sanctuary. ||1||Pause||
ibKY ibKY kI bwsnw qjIA nh jweI ]
bikhai bikhai kee baasanaa thajeea neh jaaee ||
I cannot escape my desire for sin and corruption.
Aink jqn kir rwKIAY iPir iPir lptweI ]2]
anik jathan kar raakheeai fir fir lapattaaee ||2||
I make all sorts of efforts to hold back from this desire, but it clings to me, again and again. ||2||
jrw jIvn jobnu gieAw ikCu kIAw n nIkw ]
jaraa jeevan joban gaeiaa kishh keeaa n neekaa ||
Youth and old age - my entire life has passed, but I haven't done any good.
iehu jIArw inrmolko kaufI lig mIkw ]3]
eihu jeearaa niramolako kouddee lag meekaa ||3||
This priceless soul has been treated as if if were worth no more than a shell. ||3||
khu kbIr myry mwDvw qU srb ibAwpI ]
kahu kabeer maerae maadhhavaa thoo sarab biaapee ||
Says Kabeer, O my Lord, You are contained in all.
qum smsir nwhI dieAwlu moih smsir pwpI ]4]3]
thum samasar naahee dhaeiaal mohi samasar paapee ||4||3||
There is none as merciful as You are, and none as sinful as I am. ||4||3||