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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Harjinder Singh - Kin Bidh Sagar Tariye Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Bande Khoj Dil HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 877

rwmklI mhlw 1 ]
raamakalee mehalaa 1 ||
Raamkalee, First Mehla:

ijqu dir vsih kvnu dru khIAY drw BIqir dru kvnu lhY ]
jith dhar vasehi kavan dhar keheeai dharaa bheethar dhar kavan lehai ||
Where is that door, where You live, O Lord? What is that door called? Among all doors, who can find that door?

ijsu dr kwrix iPrw audwsI so dru koeI Awie khY ]1]
jis dhar kaaran firaa oudhaasee so dhar koee aae kehai ||1||
For the sake of that door, I wander around sadly, detached from the world; if only someone would come and tell me about that door. ||1||

ikn ibiD swgru qrIAY ]
kin bidhh saagar thareeai ||
How can I cross over the world-ocean?

jIviqAw nh mrIAY ]1] rhwau ]
jeevathiaa neh mareeai ||1|| rehaao ||
While I am living, I cannot be dead. ||1||Pause||

duKu drvwjw rohu rKvwlw Awsw AMdysw duie pt jVy ]
dhukh dharavaajaa rohu rakhavaalaa aasaa a(n)dhaesaa dhue patt jarrae ||
Pain is the door, and anger is the guard; hope and anxiety are the two shutters.

mwieAw jlu KweI pwxI Gru bwiDAw sq kY Awsix purKu rhY ]2]
maaeiaa jal khaaee paanee ghar baadhhiaa sath kai aasan purakh rehai ||2||
Maya is the water in the moat; in the middle of this moat, he has built his home. The Primal Lord sits in the Seat of Truth. ||2||

ikMqy nwmw AMqu n jwixAw qum sir nwhI Avru hry ]
ki(n)thae naamaa a(n)th n jaaniaa thum sar naahee avar harae ||
You have so many Names, Lord, I do not know their limit. There is no other equal to You.

aUcw nhI khxw mn mih rhxw Awpy jwxY Awip kry ]3]
oochaa nehee kehanaa man mehi rehanaa aapae jaanai aap karae ||3||
Do not speak out loud - remain in your mind. The Lord Himself knows, and He Himself acts. ||3||

jb Awsw AMdysw qb hI ikau kir eyku khY ]
jab aasaa a(n)dhaesaa thab hee kio kar eaek kehai ||
As long as there is hope, there is anxiety; so how can anyone speak of the One Lord?

Awsw BIqir rhY inrwsw qau nwnk eyku imlY ]4]
aasaa bheethar rehai niraasaa tho naanak eaek milai ||4||
In the midst of hope, remain untouched by hope; then, O Nanak, you shall meet the One Lord. ||4||

ien ibiD swgru qrIAY ]
ein bidhh saagar thareeai ||
In this way, you shall cross over the world-ocean.

jIviqAw ieau mrIAY ]1] rhwau dUjw ]3]
jeevathiaa eio mareeai ||1|| rehaao dhoojaa ||3||
This is the way to remain dead while yet alive. ||1||Second Pause||3||

This translation is an updated version.

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