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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Niranjan Singh - Chaad Vidani Taat Murhey Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Sun Mann Mitar Payaria HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 889

rwmklI mhlw 5 ]
raamakalee mehalaa 5 ||
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehla:

isMcih drbu dyih duKu log ]
si(n)chehi dharab dhaehi dhukh log ||
You gather wealth by exploiting people.

qyrY kwij n Avrw jog ]
thaerai kaaj n avaraa jog ||
It is of no use to you; it was meant for others.

kir AhMkwru hoie vrqih AMD ]
kar aha(n)kaar hoe varathehi a(n)dhh ||
You practice egotism, and act like a blind man.

jm kI jyvVI qU AwgY bMD ]1]
jam kee jaevarree thoo aagai ba(n)dhh ||1||
In the world hereafter, you shall be tied to the leash of the Messenger of Death. ||1||

Cwif ivfwxI qwiq mUVy ]
shhaadd viddaanee thaath moorrae ||
Give up your envy of others, you fool!

eIhw bsnw rwiq mUVy ]
eehaa basanaa raath moorrae ||
You only live here for a night, you fool!

mwieAw ky mwqy qY auiT clnw ]
maaeiaa kae maathae thai out(h) chalanaa ||
You are intoxicated with Maya, but you must soon arise and depart.

rwic rihE qU sMig supnw ]1] rhwau ]
raach rehiou thoo sa(n)g supanaa ||1|| rehaao ||
You are totally involved in the dream. ||1||Pause||

bwl ibvsQw bwirku AMD ]
baal bivasathhaa baarik a(n)dhh ||
In his childhood, the child is blind.

Bir jobin lwgw durgMD ]
bhar joban laagaa dhuraga(n)dhh ||
In the fullness of youth, he is involved in foul-smelling sins.

iqRqIA ibvsQw isMcy mwie ]
thritheea bivasathhaa si(n)chae maae ||
In the third stage of life, he gathers the wealth of Maya.

ibriD BieAw Coif cilE pCuqwie ]2]
biradhh bhaeiaa shhodd chaliou pashhuthaae ||2||
And when he grows old, he must leave all this; he departs regretting and repenting. ||2||

icrMkwl pweI dRülB dyh ]
chira(n)kaal paaee dhraalabh dhaeh ||
After a very long time, one obtains this precious human body, so difficult to obtain.

nwm ibhUxI hoeI Kyh ]
naam bihoonee hoee khaeh ||
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, it is reduced to dust.

psU pryq mugD qy burI ]
pasoo paraeth mugadhh thae buree ||
Worse than a beast, a demon or an idiot,

iqsih n bUJY ijin eyh isrI ]3]
thisehi n boojhai jin eaeh siree ||3||
is that one who does not understand who created him. ||3||

suix krqwr goivMd gopwl ]
sun karathaar govi(n)dh gopaal ||
Listen, O Creator Lord, Lord of the Universe, Lord of the World,

dIn dieAwl sdw ikrpwl ]
dheen dhaeiaal sadhaa kirapaal ||
Merciful to the meek, forever compassionate

qumih Cfwvhu Cutkih bMD ]
thumehi shhaddaavahu shhuttakehi ba(n)dhh ||
If You emancipate the human, then his bonds are broken.

bKis imlwvhu nwnk jg AMD ]4]12]23]
bakhas milaavahu naanak jag a(n)dhh ||4||12||23||
O Nanak, the people of world are blind; please, Lord, forgive them, and unite them with Yourself. ||4||12||23||

This translation is an updated version.

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