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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
09 - 50 GYORS - Gobinda Mera Gobinda - Prof Darshan Singh Various 50 Glorious Years of Recorded Shabads Volume I makkarjs
01 - Amrik Singh Zakhmi - Saajanra Mera Saajanra Amrik Singh Zakhmi Saajanra Mera Saajanra moneysingh
05 - Avtar Singh Ragi - Saajanraa Mera Saajanraa (Raag Ramkali, Panj Taal) Avtar Singh Ragi Gurbani Keertan Parampara Wirsa Vol 1 HSinghDCWale
05 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Sajnra Mera Sajnra Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Sun Sakhiye HSinghDCWale
07 - Sukhwinder Singh - Saajanraa Mera Saajanraa Sukhwinder Singh (Amritsar Wale) Aaye Mil Gursikh Aaye Mil (Boston Sikh Sangat Gurdwara May 2008) makkarjs
03 - Nirmal Singh - Saajanra Mera Saajanera Nirmal Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Karoh Jodariyan HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 924

rwmklI mhlw 5 CMq
raamakalee mehalaa 5 shha(n)tha
Raamkalee, Fifth Mehla, Chhant:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

swjnVw myrw swjnVw inkit KloieAVw myrw swjnVw ]
saajanarraa maeraa saajanarraa nikatt khaloeiarraa maeraa saajanarraa ||
Friend, my Friend - standing so near to me is my Friend!

jwnIAVw hir jwnIAVw nYx AloieAVw hir jwnIAVw ]
jaaneearraa har jaaneearraa nain aloeiarraa har jaaneearraa ||
Beloved, the Lord my Beloved - with my eyes, I have seen the Lord, my Beloved!

nYx AloieAw Git Git soieAw Aiq AMimRq ipRA gUVw ]
nain aloeiaa ghatt ghatt soeiaa ath a(n)mrith pria goorraa ||
With my eyes I have seen Him, sleeping upon the bed within each and every heart; my Beloved is the sweetest ambrosial nectar.

nwil hovMdw lih n skMdw suAwau n jwxY mUVw ]
naal hova(n)dhaa lehi n saka(n)dhaa suaao n jaanai moorraa ||
He is with all, but he cannot be found; the fool does not know His taste.

mwieAw mid mwqw hoCI bwqw imlxu n jweI Brm DVw ]
maaeiaa madh maathaa hoshhee baathaa milan n jaaee bharam dhharraa ||
Intoxicated with the wine of Maya, the mortal babbles on about trivial affairs; giving in to the illusion, he cannot meet the Lord.

khu nwnk gur ibnu nwhI sUJY hir swjnu sB kY inkit KVw ]1]
kahu naanak gur bin naahee soojhai har saajan sabh kai nikatt kharraa ||1||
Says Nanak, without the Guru, he cannot understand the Lord, the Friend who is standing near everyone. ||1||

goibMdw myry goibMdw pRwx ADwrw myry goibMdw ]
gobi(n)dhaa maerae gobi(n)dhaa praan adhhaaraa maerae gobi(n)dhaa ||
God, my God - the Support of the breath of life is my God.

ikrpwlw myry ikrpwlw dwn dwqwrw myry ikrpwlw ]
kirapaalaa maerae kirapaalaa dhaan dhaathaaraa maerae kirapaalaa ||
Merciful Lord, my Merciful Lord - the Giver of gifts is my Merciful Lord.

dwn dwqwrw Apr Apwrw Gt Gt AMqir sohinAw ]
dhaan dhaathaaraa apar apaaraa ghatt ghatt a(n)thar sohaniaa ||
The Giver of gifts is infinite and unlimited; deep within each and every heart, He is so beautiful!

iek dwsI DwrI sbl pswrI jIA jMq lY mohinAw ]
eik dhaasee dhhaaree sabal pasaaree jeea ja(n)th lai mohaniaa ||
He created Maya, His slave, so powerfully pervasive - she has enticed all beings and creatures.

ijs no rwKY so scu BwKY gur kw sbdu bIcwrw ]
jis no raakhai so sach bhaakhai gur kaa sabadh beechaaraa ||
One whom the Lord saves, chants the True Name, and contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

khu nwnk jo pRB kau Bwxw iqs hI kau pRBu ipAwrw ]2]
kahu naanak jo prabh ko bhaanaa this hee ko prabh piaaraa ||2||
Says Nanak, one who is pleasing to God - God is very dear to him. ||2||

mwxo pRB mwxo myry pRB kw mwxo ]
maano prabh maano maerae prabh kaa maano ||
I take pride, I take pride in God; I take pride in my God.

jwxo pRBu jwxo suAwmI suGVu sujwxo ]
jaano prabh jaano suaamee sugharr sujaano ||
Wise, God is wise; my Lord and Master is all-wise, and all-knowing.

suGV sujwnw sd prDwnw AMimRqu hir kw nwmw ]
sugharr sujaanaa sadh paradhhaanaa a(n)mrith har kaa naamaa ||
All-wise and all-knowing, and forever supreme; the Name of the Lord is Ambrosial Nectar.

cwiK AGwxy swirgpwxy ijn kY Bwg mQwnw ]
chaakh aghaanae saarigapaanae jin kai bhaag mathhaanaa ||
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny recorded upon their foreheads, taste it, and are satisfied with the Lord of the Universe.

iqn hI pwieAw iqnih iDAwieAw sgl iqsY kw mwxo ]
thin hee paaeiaa thinehi dhhiaaeiaa sagal thisai kaa maano ||
They meditate on Him, and find Him; they place all their pride in Him.

khu nwnk iQru qKiq invwsI scu iqsY dIbwxo ]3]
kahu naanak thhir thakhath nivaasee sach thisai dheebaano ||3||
Says Nanak, He is seated on His eternal throne; True is His royal court. ||3||

mMglw hir mMglw myry pRB kY suxIAY mMglw ]
ma(n)galaa har ma(n)galaa maerae prabh kai suneeai ma(n)galaa ||
The song of joy, the Lord's song of joy; listen to the song of joy of my God.

soihlVw pRB soihlVw Anhd DunIAY soihlVw ]
sohilarraa prabh sohilarraa anehadh dhhuneeai sohilarraa ||
The wedding song, God's wedding song; the unstruck sound current of His wedding song resounds.

Anhd vwjy sbd Agwjy inq inq ijsih vDweI ]
anehadh vaajae sabadh agaajae nith nith jisehi vadhhaaee ||
The unstruck sound current vibrates, and the Word of the Shabad resounds; there is continuous, continual rejoicing.

so pRBu iDAweIAY sBu ikCu pweIAY mrY n AwvY jweI ]
so prabh dhhiaaeeai sabh kishh paaeeai marai n aavai jaaee ||
Meditating on that God, everything is obtained; He does not die, or come or go.

cUkI ipAwsw pUrn Awsw gurmuiK imlu inrgunIAY ]
chookee piaasaa pooran aasaa guramukh mil niraguneeai ||
Thirst is quenched, and hopes are fulfilled; the Gurmukh meets with the absolute, unmanifest Lord.

khu nwnk Gir pRB myry kY inq inq mMglu sunIAY ]4]1]
kahu naanak ghar prabh maerae kai nith nith ma(n)gal suneeai ||4||1||
Says Nanak, in the Home of my God, the songs of joy are continuously, continually heard. ||4||1||

This translation is an updated version.

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